Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

May 24, 2021, 7 tweets

A lot of people are salty about the Intercept's piece on the Riot Squad so I put the link in ahrefs backlink checker to see who has linked back to it. Daily Caller, Pajamas Media, VDare, Natural News, angry right wing blogs and... this odd coupon website.…

I have no idea what this is or why there are news links in the coupons. One of the coupons linked to a "Proud Right Winger" Facebook page that is no longer online. Another links to proud right winger dot com so I went there.

I used the Crowdtangle Chrome extension to see where this lovely website is being shared. Crowdtangle shows shares going back a few years but I went to these 2 top referral pages to start.

Trump Supporters 2020 (18,954 followers) and Proud Trump Supporters (10,877 followers) both have the same confirmed page owner. I'm blocking out the address & phone even though they're public on FB (some trolls tried to report me for "posting private information" recently 🙄)

And of course they run ads about social issues, elections or politics; $1.2 million combined since 2018.

Don't ask me how they've been running ads since May 2018 but both pages were created in 2019, must be some kind of Facebook grifter wormhole IDEK

The 'about us' on Proud Right Winger dot com is.. as you'd expect. Anyway if you want to venture down this rabbit hole or need some flags or whatever, here are links to the pages:

Trump Supporters 2020:…

Proud Trump Supporters:…

Christ I'm already getting proud right winger ads 🙄

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