Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

May 25, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ This is an interesting quote

POTUS Trump planned for the “devolution” (military control of our govt)

under the cover of “just in case C0VID”

We see the PIan in motion now

It’s just so masterful that people not paying attention miss it

But General O’Shaughnessy?

He’s gone

2/ The date of that article was March 2020

O’Shaughnessy stepped down in August & was replaced by VanHerck - both as commander of @NORADCommand & @USNorthernCmd

It’s common for 1 person to hold both positions, at least in the last 20 years

Right now this gent took over 👇

3/ We’ll come back to him in a moment; I have no doubt his past will be enlightening

First, a brief reminder of what @NORADCommand & @USNorthernCmd do:

Impossible to overstate the weight on their shoulders

You know how they’re chosen?

4/ Well the NORAD commander is more important

& they’re chosen by the US President AND the Canadian Prime Minister

Initially I thought the Question 👇 just implied the U-1 deal but now

A whole new level of importance is added to the role of PM

5/ & the Command Sr Enlisted Leader

as a Marine

I don’t know if that’s common

But it makes me feel all warm inside

But let’s look at The Man In Charge of All That: General Glen VanHerck

He’s sufficiently impressive

6/ I need sleep

I’ll continue digging tomorrow

Because I think this is where the rubber meets the road in “Devolution”

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