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May 25, 2021, 9 tweets

Cute that @ShekharGupta caught hold of an IAS officer to attack PM @narendramodi & guess what that Babu came up:
1) PM removed mandatory requirement of sanctions to prosecute babus
2) Modi removed ‘Red Beacons’-only vestige of authority & prestige available to civil servants

To understand the pain of Sameer Singh Chandel, ex IAS (post VRS) henchman, hired by @ShekharGupta to attack PM @narendramodi , one will have to go back to 1999, when Chandel was Collector of Sawaimadhopur between 1999 & 2001!

Chandel was accused by Sumer Singh & Hukum Gujjar vide complaint dated 25th September 2002 alleging that they paid him bribe of 1 lakh for recruitment as Gram Sewak via his middleman Hans Raj Gujjar- bribe was duly paid but job was denied to them..

After complaint was filed Chandel went missing and didnt report for job for full 294 days- reason why Sumer & Gujjar filed a complaint

Man didn’t report to work again after he was appointed as Deputy Secy - admin reforms Deptt; went missing for another 20 months- cases were filed against him in Jaipur PS per this report and co that was promoted by his relatives vanished after collecting money from people !

Complaints lingered on for years and then Rajasthan Lokayukta gave sanction for his prosecution in Aug 11; full 9 yrs after complaint was filed - @ShekharGupta do u understand now as to why @narendramodi ‘s move to do away with prosecution permission req was hurting Chandel?

Although Raj HC upheld the CAT order giving him clean chit (see 2003 story updated on Mar 12, 2019 - 17 years after it was filed -Infact not the only case filed against Chandel/ one can check no of cases filed by various people against him in various courts.....

So @ShekharGupta true to his own self / found a man (of questionable credentials) like him, as his henchman to hit PM @narendramodi - he shud know that common folks have better sense, knowledge and understanding of news than Gupta and can better him most of the times!

Find a good henchman than Sameer Singh Chandel, @ShekharGupta - may be who knows uska kuch character ho/ lekin tere bas ka wo hai nahi kyonki jaisa tu vaise tere henchmen!

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