Black Mental Health Alliance Profile picture
Premiere org providing a trusted forum for culturally competent whole health/mental health programs & services for African-Americans & marginalized communities.

May 25, 2021, 12 tweets

For Mental Health Awareness Month BMHA & @BMXNational are highlighting Mental Health Champions for their dedication to bringing awareness of the effects of the lie of white supremacy on the mental health of Black communities.
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Dr. Maxie T. Collier is the co-founder of BMHA and Baltimore’s first Black Health Commissioner. He created an Office of Minority Health for Baltimore’s Health Department to better serve the Black community.

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Enola G. Aird is the president of the Community Healing Network and an activist lawyer who advocates for the healing and ending of the trauma caused to the Black community by the lies of white superiority. - @CHNWorld_

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Dr. Frances Cress Welsing was a psychiatrist whose life mission was to educate, expose and challenge racism and white supremacy. She is best known for her book “The Isis Papers”- detailing racism and society.

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Dr. Patricia Newton was an African-centered psychiatrist. She is the founder of the Black Psychiatrists of America, which created resources for psychiatrists to address the healing of Black people throughout the diaspora.

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Taraji P. Henson is both an actress & the founder of the Boris-Henson Foundation, which addresses Black mental health issues & stigma. The foundation is currently assisting Black Americans with access to free online therapy.

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Dr. Afiya Mbilishaka is the creator of “psychohairapy,” a practice that uses hair as an entry point for mental health services. She combines traditional African rituals with modern holistic mental health practices.

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Dr. Tommy J. Curry is a famed author and professor of Philosophy. He focuses on Black Males Studies, Critical Race Theory, and Social Political Theory. His book, “The Man-Not,” reigned winner of the 2018 American Book Award.

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Dr. Joy Degruy is a licensed social worker & educator whose research focuses on the intertwining of racism, trauma, slavery, and violence. She conducts workshops in areas such as mental health & social justice.

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Richard Rowe is the resident consultant for BMHA & a skilled trainer in family strengthening, cultural enrichment, historical/modern trauma, and parent involvement, which he uses to aid various schools, orgs., & agencies.

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Andrea Brown is the executive director of BMHA. She is an advocate and mediator for Black & Brown communities & the co-author of a leadership training handbook for juvenile detainees that is used nationally.

#MentalHealthAwareness #BlackMindsMatter #BMXNational

Dr. Cleo Manago is the founder of AmASSI Centers & BMX. He is a Black/African-focused human rights activist & educator who created the CTCA methodology, a “racism/oppression trauma, trance-breaking” intervention.

#MentalHealthAwareness #BlackMindsMatter #BMXNational

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