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Femi Oluwole 🇬🇧Law grad Don't like when my government abets genocide 🍉 https://t.co/vumLBkQRxS Write for Independent Media enquiries: By Direct Message

May 25, 2021, 5 tweets

This is just getting creepy now. 😬

@talkRADIO just uploaded 2 minutes of insults about me without showing the tweet they were calling me a plank for or making any logical argument against the politics of it.

Are you people OK?
@Iromg @CarverEmily @willgeddes

Mike Graham is now attacking me for my appearance.... OK.

Watched 5-min segment on Youtube.🤢

Didn't even show my tweet🚫
They say I claimed UK democracy is just as bad as Belarus🚫
They say I worked at a law firm.🚫
They say they want to see me hit with an iron truncheon in a Belarusian prison.🚫
@Iromg @CarverEmily @willgeddes @Ofcom

Listen to the 4 people @CarverEmily nominates to be her "plank of the week", and I'll let you decide if there's a common theme. 😬

By the way, @Ofcom, Talk Radio has just retweeted their tweet so they are clearly proud of what they've done, despite the fact that they've been thoroughly notified of the bias, libel, lack of right to reply and harassment in their radio broadcast.

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