SWOTing our 2020 Emergency Remote Teaching effort w
@UTSEngage @SAlexander_UTS
@CDUni @ACODEnews @michael_sankey
@DULearnFutures @chieadachi
@CRADLEdeakin @phillipdawson
@NCSEHE @copacathy
-Assessment security
-Future of lectures
Mainstreaming of online learning
@UTSEngage @SAlexander_UTS
Good teaching is good teaching!
@NCSEHE @copacathy
-Shedding its poor cousin status
-Digital poverty
-Understanding diversity & edu equity
Online Learning-what have we learned
Lessons across panel
@DULearnFutures @chieadachi
Relationships matter
-Uni w students; belonging & engagement
-Uni w teachers: capacity building- L&T online diff
-Digital relationships: w interface, w or Ss, w Ters, w content
Congrats to @CDUni @michael_sankey on attaining #Architect status
@DULearnFutures @chieadachi being provocative
-we have always said pedagogy b4 technology
-we have learnt that tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand
A "digital ecosystem"
@UTSEngage @SAlexander_UTS
-"Holisitc PD" re staff capability
-Need overarching vision for L&T in each uni & for supported student learning journey
-Recommends every teachers tries learning online to have that exp & then they design
@UTSEngage @SAlexander_UTS
Only successful egs of hybrid is where have teaching for F2F & teacher for online
@michael_sankey Student also can help w online facilitation
@copacathy Ss like some F2F/ voice2voice? Shoutout for Regional Study Hubs (to reduce isolation)
What is role now of physical campus?
@UTSEngage @SAlexander_UTS
Having spent >$1b on physical campus, have clear vision for blended (vs hybrid)
=What works well online complimented w on-campus
Built no lecture halls; have invested in collaborative, active learning
@CRADLEdeakin @phillipdawson
Contract cheating orgs agressive over COVID
Refers EssayScam essayscam.org
Moral panic: is organised crime
Big area is friends, family, peers...
Peppa Pig cheating ep! Worth a look!
@NCSEHE @copacathy
Calls out issues re staff workload re online
Need for learning design support
Whole of uni approaches: comms, support, equity, tech, PD
"It takes a [uni] village" @michael_sankey
@DULearnFutures @chieadachi
Refers to ‘Transforming Digital Learning: learning design meets service design’ Future Learn MOOC
See campusmorningmail.com.au/news/transform…
Lot of tired people out there (staff & students): Tips
@SAlexander_UTS: set clear expectations at the outset
@michael_sankey: it's a shared endeavour; no one expert on everything
@chieadachi: does a weekly blog for week's objectives
@copacathy: scaffolding
Whither internat Ss online?
@SAlexander_UTS False hope that once borders open edu will return to what it was for internat Ss
Our model for this needs critical re-evaluation
@chieadachi Care, compassion, connection for international Ss
Thx Expert Panel! Great sess!
Apologies to @CRADLEdeakin @phillipdawson for being so slow to get the PeppaPig School Project cheating example up!!
It's here
#CMMNeededNow https://
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