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May 26, 2021, 9 tweets

#CycloneYaasLIVE: Yaas Intensifies Into Very Severe Cyclonic Storm; Landfall to Commence in Next Two Hours…


#CycloneYaas lies 45 km away from the coast and is moving towards it at 15 kmph. The #landfall process is likely to commence in the next two hours, confirms IMD.

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#CycloneYaas: The storm possesses wind speeds of around 130-140 kmph gusting to 155 kmph and is likely to maintain similar intensity during landfall between Dhamra and Balasore.

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#KolkataAirport authorities have decided to shut down the airport operations from 8.30 am to 7.45 pm on Wednesday due to the incoming cyclone. The airport operations will resume when the storm abates and conditions improve for safe flight operations in the evening.


#CycloneYaas: After landfall Yaas will advance northwestward through Jharkhand, Bihar into eastern portions of Uttar Pradesh while weakening gradually.

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#CycloneYaas: While northeastern Odisha will witness a maximum of 250-300mm rainfall on Wednesday, risks of flooding, inundation of low-lying area and landslide prevails across all these regions.

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Dark clouds over River Ganga ahead of #CycloneYaas in Kolkata.

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(📸: Koushik Koley/BCCL - KOLKATA)

#CycloneYaasLIVE: #Landfall Process Commences over Odisha-West Bengal Coasts!…


Here is a view of #CycloneYaas' movement post #landfall.

In preparation for Cyclone Yaas, the Bihar government has deployed 22 teams of @NDRFHQ and #SDRF in districts adjoining Jharkhand and West Bengal.

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