John Roberts Profile picture
Actuary for far too many years. Welsh, but now live in the spiritual home of the Wurzels out west. Don’t think I’ve got the accent yet. Like zider though...

May 26, 2021, 5 tweets

The latest ONS antibody survey is out, and shows increases in all four countries since the last one a fortnight ago.
E: Up from 69.3% to 75.9%
W: from 63.2% to 76.6%
NI from 63.5% to 75.0%

S continues to lag a little, up from 59.2% to 68.6%.


By English region there's a relatively tight range from 71.5% to 75.9%, but that range is slightly puzzling given the overall estimate of 75.9%.

London is a slight outlier at 71.5%, with E Midlands the highest.


By age group, we see the now familiar dips just before second jabs, which is gradually becoming apparent in younger groups (though less prominent than in the higher groups). Over 75 we are now seeing 96%+ results.

Note the fantastic vaccine proportion lines in the 50+ groups!

And by single year of age we can see those "pre-second dose dips" clearly. Note that this survey relates to the week commencing 3rd May (and thus those being vax'd a couple of weeks earlier), so I would expect the dip to already be at a younger age than we see here.

Note the clear caveat here regarding what this survey means (and doesn't mean) in relation to immunity.

Survey here:…


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