Steve Cooke Profile picture
Electronic muso and socialist who dislikes racists, antisemites, Islamophobes and antiziganists. @UKLabour and @Unitetheunion activist.

May 26, 2021, 7 tweets

Phil Wallis has just been telling people on Facebook that you can't be antisemitic if you are pro-Palestinian "because Palestinians are Semites". Turns out he is a Holocaust denier too. It looks like he's no longer a Labour member, but it's appalling that he ever managed to join.

In the same thread, started by a young Labour activist concerned that antisemitism is undermining pro-Palestinian actions, Mohammed P Aslam, supposedly a campaigner for social justice, suggests such criticism is intended to stop people calling out "murderous criminals".

And Mohammad Aleinein, who wishes "peace, love & prosperity to all", claims that "Zionists exaggerate the global antisemitism in order to encourage the Zionists who are in Palestine not to leave". But there's no need for exaggeration in describing the vile racism on his timeline.

Gerry McGarvey, who co-founded the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, enters the fray, claiming never to have encountered antisemitism at pro-Palestine demos. But would Gerry, who believes that Tom Watson was bought by Jewish money, even recognise antisemitism if he saw it?

Still in the same thread, Sylvya Vousden demands that the original poster provides "examples of this supposed antisemitism". No need to go out of your way to find them, Sylvya. Just look at your own timeline ...

Well, hello. Margaret Mary Mulheran has joined the thread. Labour's leaked internal report on antisemitism last year said that some people with "frankly neo-Nazi views" had joined our party. This former member of High Peak CLP certainly matches that description.

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