Steve Cooke Profile picture
GenX leftie, veggie & occasional muso. @UKLabour & @Unitetheunion activist.
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Jun 17, 2024 20 tweets 17 min read
George Galloway has threatened to sue @HopeNotHate over a flyer distributed in #Rochdale. Leaving aside the claim about supporting dictators, is it true that “His Workers Party is full of antisemites, racists and conspiracy theorists”? Let’s look at its election candidates. 1/20Image WPB's #Chesterfield candidate Julie Lowe claims Jews engage in child sacrifice & plot with Freemasons, Satanists & paedophiles to take power & establish a New World Order. She disputes that 6m Jews were murdered in the Holocaust & reckons the Rothschilds bombed the Titanic. 2/20Image
Jun 4, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: George Galloway really has excelled himself this time. His @WorkersPartyGB have selected a Nazi-grade antisemite to fight #GE2024 in #PoplarAndLimehouse. Introducing Kamran Khan ... 1/6Workers Party post promoting Kamran Khan's election campaign
Kamran Khan's X account was created only a year ago, since when his timeline has been a torrent of hate, promoting explicit Jew-hatred and Holocaust minimisation, amplifying neo-Nazi influencers and mocking victims of the October 7 attacks. 2/6

Kamran shares a post with a Google logo modified to say "Jewgle" and the comment "I'll saw [sic] the quiet part out loud".
Kamran Khan shares a meme captioned "Can you make it illegal for jews to suck baby penis? Best I can do is make it a felony for you to tell people".
Kamran Khan shares a meme depicting a caricatured Jewish man (with the Star of David his head to make sure we know he's a Jew) saying to a Christian: "I hate you with every fiber of my being". The Christian replies: "I know, I read the Talmud."
Kamran Khan shares a meme that depicts a man saying "Aww, those poor Jews were so persecuted" and then, five hours later, having researched the topic on the internet, the same man is shown wearing a Nazi uniform, implying that what he learned about Jewish people has convinced him of the National Socialists' ideology.
Jun 1, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Let no one accuse George Galloway’s @WorkersPartyGB of #antisemitism. No siree. Akil Kata, prospective parliamentary candidate for #CardiffWest, says he is a brother to Jewish people - but only the “real Jews”, “true Jews” who denounce “so-called” Israel and Zionism. /1

He’s not so keen on Jews who feel an affinity with Israel. Zionists, as “Zoinests” as he calls them, are apparently worse than Nazis, have “funded every side of every war since the American Civil War”, control our education and own the media, banks and pharmaceutical industry. /2

May 19, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Thread: A few days ago, I highlighted the #antisemitism and Holocaust denial of Phil Oakland of Ilkeston. His posts suggested he might be a member of the Communist Party of Britain so I contacted them via Twitter. Soon after they DM’ed me promising to investigate urgently. 1/4 I received a statement from CPB general secretary Rob Griffiths confirming that Oakland had been a member until 2021, when his subs lapsed: “Had he still been a member when his social media posts came to [our] notice, he would have been suspended pending an investigation … 2/4 ImageImage
May 15, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Phil Oakland's Facebook timeline is so full of vile #antisemitism and Holocaust denial dressed up as support for Palestinians that public exposure really isn't enough. I've reported him to @DerbysPolice for incitement to racial hatred and breaching the Communications Act 2003. ImageImageImageImage Of course, a racist like Phil Oakland was bound to be an admirer of David Icke and Gilad Atzmon, wasn’t he? He also appears to be a member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and a supporter of the Communist Party of Britain. Not that either organisation would endorse his views. ImageImageImageImage
Jan 28, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Jews can't even be murdered in their millions without the disgusting racists who joined the Labour Party in recent years suggesting they are somehow being afforded special privilege because of it or using it to gain advantage. #HolocaustMemorialDay #HMD2022 See, for example, the many antisemitic comments about Margaret Hodge's @LabourList article on #HolocaustMemorialDay. It seems that Nick West here, just one of many such commenters, is a full-time communications officer for my union, @unitetheunion.… ImageImageImageImage
Dec 29, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Solicitor Michael Walton quit the Labour Party a year ago claiming that concerns about antisemitism were a "cynical ploy" based on "ludicrous, exaggerated, and in fact fabricated, allegations". Which he proved by repeatedly addressing female Jewish Labour politicians as "bitch". Michael Walton says how dare I accuse him of either antisemitism or misogyny.
Dec 20, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Glynis Millward, who goes on Crispin Flintoff's alt-left show to give "top advice" on how to respond to being suspended by the Labour Party, repeats a common theme among antisemitism denialists by challenging me to report her to the police. /1 And when I say repeats, I really do mean that. Gaslighting Glynis says the same thing again and again to people who raise concerns about antisemitism in the Labour Party, insinuating that their experiences can't be genuine if they haven't reported them as hate crimes. /2
Nov 25, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Labour councillor and former leader of Blaenau Gwent Council, Hedley McCarthy, believes that Keir Starmer is a "puppet" of the Board of Deputies who raises concerns about #antisemitism as a "sponsored question from his financiers", to please the "people with the money strings". ImageImageImageImage Cllr Hedley McCarthy shares antisemitic posts by Jackie Walker (she was lying - most of the people listed did in fact condemn the far-right actions mentioned). He recommends antisemitism denialist organisation Labour Against the Witchhunt's submission to the Forde Enquiry. ImageImage
Aug 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Maginn's article should be renamed "10 strawmen". It cites oversimplified claims about antisemitism in the Labour Party and refutes them. But he chose them BECAUSE they were inaccurate. Eg, Chris Williamson wasn't suspended over Nick Robinson's tweet. The tweet came after. >> >> A better summary of the problems with Chris Williamson's conduct is provided by Daniel Sugarman's article below and that was written before Williamson's numerous antisemitic statements since he left the Labour Party. >>…
Aug 21, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Poor little innocent Chris Crookes has been branded an antisemite just because he wrote articles for neo-Nazi journals and websites claiming that the Nazis treated Jews well at Auschwitz. Here he is telling his oh-so-moving story on Labour Against the Witchhunt's Facebook page. ImageImage Chris Crookes is still trying to justify himself over on the LAW page:… ImageImageImageImage
Jul 29, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Show me evidence of Labour Against the Witchhunt being apologists for antisemitism, says Ben Sellers of Red Labour. I reply with evidence of LAW leaders doing exactly that and even opposing Holocaust deniers being reported to Labour HQ. Sellers blocks me and deletes the evidence. For clarification, the thread in question was on Facebook not Twitter, hence Ben Sellers being able to delete my comments, which he couldn't do here.
Jul 26, 2021 10 tweets 7 min read
In his latest piece for The National, columnist Bruce Whitehead "bares all on why he quit" @UKLabour. The former member of Edinburgh West CLP presents a list of woes but somehow manages to avoid mentioning the party's #antisemitism crisis and his own role in exacerbating it. /1 Image There were clues in @guardianletters last week where Whitehead objected to Labour's decision to proscribe four groups, three of which are known primarily for their antisemitism. He seems to have been especially keen on Labour Against the Witchhunt, which is probably the worst. /2 ImageImageImage
May 26, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Phil Wallis has just been telling people on Facebook that you can't be antisemitic if you are pro-Palestinian "because Palestinians are Semites". Turns out he is a Holocaust denier too. It looks like he's no longer a Labour member, but it's appalling that he ever managed to join. ImageImageImageImage In the same thread, started by a young Labour activist concerned that antisemitism is undermining pro-Palestinian actions, Mohammed P Aslam, supposedly a campaigner for social justice, suggests such criticism is intended to stop people calling out "murderous criminals". ImageImageImageImage
Dec 5, 2020 11 tweets 9 min read
Graham Hyslop OBE is outraged by recent suspensions in the Labour Party and offers "100% support" to @JVoiceLabour. Apparently, he too is a victim of the "witch-hunt", having resigned from the party after 40 years of membership due to allegations of #antisemitism. /1 Image I took the opportunity to remind Graeme Hyslop OBE that he had been responsible for many antisemitic commentaries, to which he replied "nothing whatsoever about anything I do is either racist or antisemitic" and made a puzzling reference to my being "funded by a new employer". /2 Image
Nov 24, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Michele Mc Avoy and I have 41 mutual friends on Facebook. Or we did the other day when she posted a status update complaining that I had accused her of #antisemitism. One of the lucky 41 sent me the screenshots. /1 ImageImageImage Actually, I've never been a 'friend' of Michele, but I have seen her comments about Jews in numerous online Facebook discussions. Such as this thread about Jeremy Corbyn having the Labour whip withdrawn by Keir Starmer over his statement about the EHRC report on antisemitism. /2 Image
Nov 5, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
Typical of the genre, Darren Murtagh claims the #Labour Party has expelled him because he "shared an article from the Guardian saying how Israel funds groups associated with Tommy Robinson". He says the party is driving out "left thinking people", not tackling #antisemitism. /1 Cue messages of solidarity from Darren Murtagh's friends and comrades, many of whom report being forced out of the party themselves because they supported Palestinians, criticised Israel or were too socialist and too antiracist for the Labour leadership's liking. /2
May 2, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Congratulations to the Socialist Workers Party on recruiting Malcolm Adlington. Malc has rejoined the SWP after the Labour Party suspended him for regularly posting antisemitic, in some cases explicitly neo-Nazi, material. But the SWP don't seem to mind. "Welcome home", comrade! As several SWP activists joined the thread to express their joy at Malcolm Adlington's return to the fold, I asked why they were so keen given the Labour Party had suspended him for antisemitism. Surely, the SWP were supposed to be antiracist? The exchange didn't go well.
Apr 15, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Whilst some people who promote antisemitism falsely claim to be members of the Labour Party, there are others who pretend not to be. I'm now wary of taking resignation announcements at face value as they may be intended to lessen the likelihood of AS misconduct being reported. Lesley Perrin, a Holocaust denier who was a Torbay CLP officer, said she'd given up her membership in Feb '19 after Labour HQ notified her of an investigation, yet the leaked #LabourReport shows she only received a 'reminder of conduct' at that time and hadn't actually resigned.
Feb 28, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Thread: One of the candidates excluded from the Labour NEC ballot has posted a statement defending himself. Keith Hussein (South Shields CLP) says that claims he promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories are "completely baseless" and "vicious personal character assassination". /1 Concerns about alleged #antisemitism in Keith Hussein's Facebook posts were first raised publicly by Stephane Savary, vice-chair of the Jewish Labour Movement, whose blog questioned whether the comrade was fit to join Labour's governing body. /2
Jan 15, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
Whilst some of the Board of Deputies' #TenPledges to end the #antisemitism crisis are problematic and arguably contradictory, the ferocity of the response from many on the Labour left is unwarranted and reflects discriminatory attitudes towards Jewish community advocacy. /1 The BoD is being accused of arrogance and interference in the Labour Party's internal affairs as if the central issue highlighted by the pledges - antisemitism and our leadership's failure to tackle it - had absolutely nothing to do with the communities it represents. /2