USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE) Profile picture
Official @USNavy Twitter account. Recognized as the best aircraft carrier 43 years running. We also make great coffee. (Following, RTs & links ≠ endorsement.)

May 26, 2021, 9 tweets

There are lots of colors on the flight deck! This helps differentiate between rates and positions, so what might seem like chaos is actually a perfectly orchestrated evolution. A thread. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

Oh, yellow! We didn’t see you there! Sailors in yellow are usually aircraft directors or shooters. They are always aware of the movements that occur on the flight deck. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

It’s not easy being green! They are usually ABEs who maintain and operate catapults and arresting gear. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

You’re my boy, blue! Blue jerseys are the plane handlers, tractor drivers, and elevator operators. You will often see them towing aircraft before and after sorties. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

Purple (AKA Grapes) are responsible for fueling aircraft and maintaining safe fuel on board. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

Red can mean a few things...but usually it is either aviation ordnanceman (red with a black stripe) or members of crash and salvage. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

Brown jerseys are plane captains! These Sailors are in charge of the aircraft while it is not flying. Line shack, which consists of different rates, also wear brown. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

Sailors in white jerseys are either a part of safety (w/ green cross), medical (w/ red cross), or quality assurance. Landing signal officers also wear white. #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

That’s a basic rundown, but there are details we didn't go over and positions we did not cover! Let us know what we missed! #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

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