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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

May 26, 2021, 13 tweets

I want to expand on something that @daithaigilbert and I talked about as he was writing this piece: the nature of "the backlash" against GhostEzra from other promoters and what it says about QAnon and its relationship to antisemitism.

As I've talked about quite a bit recently, there's a Faqtion War simmering on QAnon telegram, mostly led by Jordan Sather but supported by many of the other formerly-big promoters.

Pay attention to the language from Jordan here.

Notice that Jordan has no hesitation in calling out specific objections to the disinformation he's decrying: whether it's NESARA, JFK Jr, the QFS, DUMBs, or that Navy SEALs attacked Bill Gates' house.

He directly says these things aren't true. It's "a shitshow."

Compare that to how he reacted to the Newsweek article from May 21 about GhostEzra's first antisemitic rant.

Jordan simply reposted other promoters from his group which condemned GhostEzra in an extremely general way as a "disinformation account."

There's no specificity.

They didn't call out Holocaust denial or antisemitism.

CJTruth did one better, stating GhostEzra “puts truths out there then sprinkles outlandish lies with it.”

But CJ did not say what are the truths and what are the lies.

Importantly, that's for his followers to decide.

Their objection to what GhostEzra posted is *implied* but not stated.

They call him a shill but seem to have difficulty being specific, instead griping about how he's 'hurting the movement.'

But they have no trouble directly calling NESARA "clickbait nonsense."

Jordan and the others feel comfortable going right up to the *edge* of saying GhostEzra's antisemitism and Hitler apologetics are a problem, but they very clearly will not cross the line and actually say it.

And there's a reason for that.

They can't call it out specifically because it's so deeply rooted in the movement.

/qresearch posted links to the JQ in the header of each new thread. When that thread started to reach the maximum # of replies the board allows, they posted a reminder to start a new JQ thread.

Other popular Q promoters who kept their anonymity like Joe M have actively pushed this same narrative.

Jordan and CJ can't directly condemn GhostEzra for doing the same without catching their friends up in it.

They also can't call it out directly because they know how important it is to the rank-and-file of QAnon followers. They don't want to lose them.

They can see how popular GhostEzra's posts were. They know who their followers are.

So they have to thread a very small needle.

They do not want GhostEzra to steal their audience but they know how central antisemitism is to QAnon, so they call him a shill and a disinfo agent without specifically condemning what he wrote.

Because they can't, not without condemning their own followers.

They could copy him & go full-throated, but they also want to make public appearances and get paid, so they cannot go full Nazi.

So they settle for dogwhistles and plausible deniability and "the Jews we hate aren't really Jews."

It's all Khazars & Jacob-vs-Esau & etc.

This is the dance they're forced to do, balancing their concerns about negative media/government attention and dwindling audience share while maintaining the narrative arc the audience demands.

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