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Endocrinologist. Internist. USN MC. Mom. Lover of books, cooking, live music, dancing and traveling. Views are my own!

May 26, 2021, 7 tweets

Intensive behavioral therapy by physicians can be effective helping lose >5% and even up to 10% weight loss #AACE2021 #obesity

Using the term "obesity" can have a negative impact on patient care. When speaking with patients, it is better to use the terms "weight" or "BMI" or even "excess weight" #AACE2021 #obesity

There is more eating disorders and disordered eating in PCOS #AACE2021 #obesity #Endotwitter

Medicare and medicaid will pay for intensive behavioral therapy #aace2021 #obesity #Endotwitter

You want to eat less calorie dense food -- protein has less calories then fat per do carbs but they aren't as filling. Decreasing portion sizes is tried and true technique for weight loss #obesity #aace2021 #Endotwitter

We commonly overestimate the amount of calories we eat (by 10-50%!!). One calorie restriction technique is meal replacement and can lead to a higher chance of achieving 5-10% weight loss #obesity #aace2021 #Endotwitter

Exercise alone produces minimal weight loss...I'll be showing this graph to my patients who never believe me when I say this #obesity #Endotwitter #aace2021

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