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Endocrinologist. Internist. USN MC. Mom. Lover of books, cooking, live music, dancing and traveling. Views are my own!

May 26, 2021, 9 tweets

Excited to learn about bariatric and metabolic surgery and newer devices by Drs. Husain and Kothari and moderated by @DrKarlNadolsky #AACE2021

Each bariatric surgery has a different expected total body weight loss with duodenal switch being highest #obesity #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

Bariatric surgery can reduce long-term microvascular disease #obesity #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

So many cool interventional bariatric procedures that can cause weight loss with many of them also showing metabolic effects like decrease in A1c and changes in hormones (ie ghrelin). #obesity #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

Wow this is a thing...bariatric arterial embolization which trans-arterially embolizes the gastric fundus through the left gastric artery (LGA) and/or gastroepiploic artery (GEA) --- leading to lower ghrelin levels #obesity #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

Duodenal mucosal resurfacing promising for diabetes and improving insulin resistance but not as good for weight loss (just over 2kg weight loss) #AACE2021 #obesity #Endotwitter

Gastric vest with very promising results that may be close to what you would see with surgery. Clip would mimic a sleeve but it can be removed. AspireAssist is like a peg tube used to remove food already eaten...with effective weight loss #AACE2021 #obesity #Endotwitter

Intragastric balloons although effective for weight loss over time can cause a lot of symptoms and discomfort in that first 1-2 weeks after placement. Early removal rate 3-19% #obesity #AACE2021 #Endotwitter

Jejunal bypass liner -- food on inside and pancreatic secretions on outside of liner leading to less absorption = weight loss and DM control --- down side is possible AE of hepatic abscess, GI hemorrhage and perforation #AACE2021 #Endotwitter #obesity

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