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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

May 27, 2021, 8 tweets

Several myths on India’s Covid-19 vaccination program are doing the rounds. These myths are arising due to distorted statements, half truths and blatant lies.…

So what is centre doing to buy vaccines from abroad?

Myth 2: Centre has not approved globally available vaccines

Myth 3: centre is not doing enough to ramp up domestic production of vaccines

Myth 4 - centre should invoke compulsory licensing

Myth 5: Centre has abdicated its responsibility to the states

Myth 6 : Centre not giving enough vaccines to states

Myth 7 : Centre is not taking any step to vaccinate children

Special place will be reserved in hell for @ArvindKejriwal that his lies and propaganda is making Govt waste precious resources on clarifying his myth and propaganda that he is spreading to score political points- media shares the blame as well as he bribes them via ads

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