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May 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Extremely interesting pattern in the reporting following filing of case by WA against GOI rules. Clearly, English language media seems be lobbying for @Facebook as evident from the way how FB version found space on front page while Govt version has been relegated to back pages

Seems @bipchakr - PR head for @facebook in India - has learnt her lessons very well from the way Cong & AAP hounded Ankhi Das last Sept! Clearly, everything seems to be going well with Cong now!

How many of you remember how one year ago, Cong, AAP and their supporters went all guns blazing after FBs Ankhi Das - it all started with @ShashiTharoor accusing Facebook of favouring BJP- @bipchakr was hired in Mar 20 & seems all of them have decide to smoke a peace pipe

Facebook approaching court against Govt is an extension of that assurance. Also @bipchakr seems to have cajoled support of ELM in their fight against GoI but she forgot that vernacular press in India is still nationalist & they have written against WA n spoken abt GoI version

The way ELM has reported this WhatsApp matter is completely opposite of what has been reported by ELM. Their reporting is quite balanced and in line with the mood of the nation. Unlike English media, ELM has refused to act as lobbyists for big tech- @bipchakr u failed here

Im sure ELM will go running to Govt when they will feel threatened by big tech, and would want govt to fight for them. But for now dollars made over to journos via @bipchakr run PR budget or those plush five star hotel stays and wining-dining session seems to be having an impact

And i shud end this thread with this mint report that seems to have pushed Facebook in doing extra to please Cong and AAP and others!…

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