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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

May 27, 2021, 9 tweets

Dear @SallyBuzbee @hiattf and @PostBaron ur paper published this factually incorrect story by @bdutt - well known and discredited journalist from India. FYI- @IndiaTodayFLASH published the transcripts of her fixing ministry posts with a lobbyist!…

Dear @SallyBuzbee @hiattf and @PostBaron most recently - this same @bdutt most recently used her fathers unfortunate death to score brownie points by resorting to lies that were exposed by @ThePulseIndia after they tracked down the ambulance driver from the pic Dutt tweeted!

That said, I urge all three of you @SallyBuzbee @hiattf and @PostBaron to do a basic background check on this story published by your reputed paper - not only is this factually incorrect but is akin to your paper letting @bdutt use ur platform to spread fake news and propaganda

Attached herewith are screenshots of the document that details various new stories from the past abt surfacing of dead bodies in the river Ganga in the past - stories have been published by @NatGeo @guardian @Reuters etc from time to time -sadly @BDUTT resorted to lies as usual

Although this video is in Hindi but all three of you @PostBaron @hiattf @SallyBuzbee can get this video checked - the man can be heard saying that burying dead on the banks of river Ganga at Prayagraj is a tradition followed by some Hindu castes as also Buddhists

It is my earnest request to all three of you to have this piece by @BDUTT reviewed against facts on ground. Just as those approx 1000 unclaimed bodies in NY freezer trucks doesn’t represent USA COVID nos, so doesn’t these bodies! @PostBaron @SallyBuzbee @hiattf

While I can understand that all 3 of you @PostBaron @SallyBuzbee and @hiattf may not have known d background of this story & but natural to see it from COVID lens; but as past data shows @bdutt didn’t give u correct pic-she is complete out of integrity here-nothing new to her!

I urge all three of u to show some integrity and admit that @WaPO goofed up here because of @BDUTT hiding crucial facts pertaining to this story. India has hundreds of capable journalists who can send u OpEds/ this liar needs to be dropped from ur panel @SallyBuzbee @hiattf

Dear @SallyBuzbee @hiattf request you to please check this video report by @ThePulseIndia on the issue of floating corpses in the river Ganga and based on which @bdutt filed her baseless and factually incorrect report

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