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May 27, 2021, 5 tweets

"The #COVID19 pandemic has brought us a tsunami of suffering. Over 3.4M lives have been lost. Some 500M jobs have gone. Trillions of $ have been wiped from global balance sheets. The most vulnerable are suffering most. And I fear this is far from over."
-🇺🇳@antonioguterres #WHA74

"I pay tribute to the healthcare workers who are the heroes of this pandemic. Millions of healthcare professionals continue to put themselves in harm's way every day. We owe them our deepest appreciation. This includes our colleagues at WHO."
-🇺🇳@antonioguterres at #WHA74

"Sadly, unless we act now, we face the situation in which rich countries vaccinate the majority of their people and open their economies while [#COVID19] continues to cause deep suffering by circulating & mutating in the poorest countries."
-🇺🇳@antonioguterres at #WHA74

"The 🌍 must respond resolutely & in solidarity to stop [#COVID19]. World leaders must urgently step up with a global plan for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, tests & treatments. This starts with financing the @ACTAccelerator & its #COVAX Facility."

"We are at war with [#COVID19]. We need the logic and urgency of a war economy to boost the capacity of our weapons: the vaccines."
-🇺🇳@UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres at #WHA74

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