Edwin Hayward Profile picture
Author: 'Slaying Brexit Unicorns' (link below) and commentator. Tweets: Brexit, UK politics, fun geeky stuff. Expect facts, stats, sarcasm and gallows humour.

May 27, 2021, 6 tweets

Matt Hancock (15 Apr 2020): "TODAY we can announce that EVERYBODY going from hospital into social care WILL be tested, will be isolated while the result of that test comes through, because that helps to protect people who are in social care."


Screenshot, in case the original goes away...

Video clip, in case the original goes away...

And here's the policy announcement itself, also dated 15 April 2020.

Second bullet is the key. It doesn't mention capacity constraints.

Link is to the Wayback archive copy of the page, in case the original goes away.

Matt Hancock is not alone in lashing himself to the mast...

Bit of context: by 15 April 2020, 18,129 people had already died with COVID-19 in the UK.

Also: the care home danger was being flagged, even by Tory MPs...

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