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CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 27, 2021, 7 tweets


Judge rejects request for release from jail from US Capitol riot defendant Karl Dresch

Even though judge acknowledged, the feds haven't provided evidence Dresch was violent or destroyed property Jan 6.

So why did judge hold him in jail? ==> (thread)

Judge's order says Dresch has made clear "Trump's the only big shot I trust right now"

!! Then judge specifies risk of future action by Dresch, because of Trump's new blog, false accusations and the reality that Trump seems to be Dresch's "singular source of information" !!

Dresch is also accused of sending chilling messages after the riot, celebrating the mayhem.... and warning of "snitches"

"It was grand... best day ever"

"F**heads up there are mass snitching me to feds"

And before the Insurrection, Dresch is accused of posting "No excuses! No retreat! No surrender! Take the streets! Take back our country. 1/6/21=7/4/1776"

Judge cited these messages in order to hold Dresch in jail until trial

Judge also cites allegations Dresch bragged about the Insurrection, specified that it was *NOT* Antifa and then allegedly said "Mike Pence gave our country to the communist hordes"

In a search of Dresch's northern Michigan home, investigators say they found weaponry, a Russian rifle, hundreds of rounds of ammo ........ and an Atlanta Braves backpack

Unclear if he meant it literally, but feds allege Dresch bragged of having a beer on the "front porch" at Capitol on Jan 6

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