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May 28, 2021, 7 tweets

The ACLU just filed a lawsuit on behalf of 4 trans youth and their families as well as two doctors, challenging a law passed in April that meant Arkansas became the first state to ban the provision of gender-affirming treatments and surgery for trans youth…

Senior editor @TimTeeman talked with a few Arkansas families about why they cannot wait to challenge their state in court over the health-care ban—and have their say on why trans teenagers need this kind of medical support…

Aaron Jennen, father of a 16-year-old trans daughter Sabrina, says his daughter not receiving her medical treatment “is not an option"…

Sabrina Jennen, a 16-year-old trans girl, talks about the “crazy” last few months where a panoply of anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ bills passed in Republican-controlled state legislatures - including her own of Arkansas…

Lacey Jennen, 16-year-old Sabrina’s mother, doesn’t want to move out of state she spent her entire life in, but will if push comes to shove…

Donnie Ray Saxton, the father of a trans son, 16-year-old Parker, opens up about his personal transition when Parker came out to him…

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