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May 28, 2021, 5 tweets

[Exclusive] A sitting judge writes to the Acting Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court in the #NaradaScam

"Our Conduct is unbecoming of the majesty High Court commands"

Transfer petition in question under S 407 CRPC was taken up by a Division Bench of #CalcuttaHighCourt on May 17 based on an email sent by CBI to the Court and a mentioning by ASG YJ Dastoor

#NaradaScam #NaradaCase #MamataBanerjee

Full Story:

"The High Court must get its act together. We have been reduced to a mockery," the letter said.

#CalcuttaHighCourt #NaradaScam #NaradaCase #MamataBanerjee

Full Story:

“to salvage the situation by taking suitable steps including convening of Full Court, if necessary, for "reaffirming sanctity of our Rules and our unwritten code of conduct”

#CalcuttaHighCourt #NaradaScam #NaradaCase #MamataBanerjee

Full Story:

Can High Court transfer a criminal case at that stage and grant a stay? asks Justice Sinha

Read LETTER of Justice Sinha:

#CalcuttaHighCourt #NaradaScam #NaradaCase #MamataBanerjee

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