Norman Goh Profile picture
Journalist, Nikkei Asia. Producer of Bicara Minggu Ini podcast. Formerly Press & Info Officer at @EUinMalaysia, Special Functions Officer to Foreign Minister.

May 28, 2021, 17 tweets

Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Zohari unveils special package for Sarawakians:
- RM250 for 6 months for head of the B40 families from July -Dec 2021
- B40 singles above 21 will get RM500 one-off assistance in Aug
- Payment will be credited directly to their bank accounts

- Payments can be claimed from any BSN banks for B40 recipients
- RM970 million allocated for this special assistance announced by the state gov't
-This will benefit more than one million people in Sarawak

Step 2: Special monthly allowances for frontliners for 6 months in Sarawak
- RM300 for MOH staff (doctors, nurses, AMO, other health allied staff)
- RM200 for Immigration
- RM200 for police officers and staff
- RM200 for armed forces
- RM200 for RELA
- RM200 for customs officers

Step 2 continued:
- RM200 for local councils staff
- RM200 for fire brigade
- RM200 for civil defence officers

All these costs RM27 million for these allowances

Step 3: Special incentive for media frontliners
- One-off cash incentive to media practitioners of RM1,500
- Total RM900,000 allocated for this initiative

Step 4: Special grants for stall owners and small traders
- Special grants of RM1,500 will be paid in two instalments of RM750 in July and December 2021 through Sarawak Pay
- RM97.5 million allocated for this grant

Step 5: Special grants for registered boat penambang
- One-off payment of RM500 to owners and small boats handlers
- RM100,000 allocated for this special payment

Step 6: Special incentive for taxi, van, school buses
- One-off payment of RM600 for 960 van handlers, 1,980 taxi drivers, 740 school bus and van registered in Sarawak
- RM2.2 million allocated for this special incentive

Step 7: Special assistance for e-hailing drivers and driving schools
- RM500 one-off payment via Sarawak Pay
- RM1.6 million allocated for this assistance

Step 8: Special assistance for tourism

One-off payments for the following:
- RM3,000 for 216 tourism agencies
- RM600 for 568 homestay operators
- RM1,500 for 219 tour guides, 173 national park guides
- RM500 for 99 tourist drivers

Total: RM1.63 million allocated

Step 9: Discounts for electric bills
- 5-25% discounts for monthly bills in domestic, commercial and industries till end of 2021
- Total allocated for discounts RM166.8 million

Domestic: 25% discount
Commercial: 15% discount
Industries: 5-10% discount

Step 10: Discounts for water bills
- 10-25% discounts to continue for monthly bills in domestic, commercial and industrials till end of 2021

Total allocation of RM32.1 million

Step 11: Discounts for assessment rates
- 25% for more than RM400
- 30% for less than RM400 and below
from July to December 2021

Total allocation of RM54 million

Step 12: 50% discount for rentals in markets and stalls
- Discounts to continue until end of 2021

Total allocation of RM1.7 million

Step 13: 50% discounts on rental of homes under HDC
- Discounts to continue until end of 2021

Total allocation RM2.6 million

Step 14: Payment exemption of rentals for SMEs operated by statutory bodies, state owned companies
- Exemption for six months until end of 2021

Total allocation of RM2 million

Step 15: Food baskets for affected families during MCO
- RM250,000 allocated for each constituencies will be managed by state agencies

Total allocation of RM25.5 million

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