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May 28, 2021, 7 tweets

🍌Coronavirus lockdowns sent everyone a bit bananas...

But Anna Chojnicka may just take the cake.

🧑‍🎨She created 400 works of art with bruised bananas after isolation sent her "stir crazy"…

💭Chojnicka began experimenting during the boredom of a Covid-19 quarantine period.

She found that prodding bananas with a comb produced interesting patterns as the fruit bruised…

By bruising the skin at different times Chojnicka created a range of subtle shades, and has used these to produce more than 400 banana artworks.

Some highlights:
🍌White Cliffs of Dover
🍌Captain Sir Tom Moore
🍌The moon landing
🍌The Mona Lisa

The artist photographs each skin illustration - then eats her perishable works.

Chojnicka does not sell her creations. However she has used her new online fame from her artwork to raise money for food charities

The process works by damaging cells in the banana skin which release enzymes.

🟡🟤 These react with the oxygen in the air and the process of oxidation browns the damaged area…

Chojnicka uses a blunt instrument to create the darkest shades first then leaves the fruit to bruise overnight into the derided shade.

She then moves onto the lighter shades, finishing with the closest colour to the natural skin of the banana

Chojnicka has used the technique to draw:
🍌Boris Johnson
🍌and to highlight social issues

See more of her work 👇…

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