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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 28, 2021, 21 tweets

Giuliani Special Master Thread 1/

The Special Master is huge news in Giuliani case, but it is a STEP. It tells us, normal people, outside that criminal investigation, WHERE they are. We get an 'update' to what is happening.

Let me explain what just happened today.

Giuliani Special Master Thread 2/

What is a Special Master? Person is a court-appointed specialist, in this case to review the evidence seized by the FBI from Giuliani's office (and home and devices) to make sure the process is LEGAL. Typically Special Master is a retired judge

Giuliani Special Master Thread 3/

Why is this relevant? It is four WEEKS since notorious serial buttdialer and alleged attorney Rudy Giuliani's LAW office was raided by FBI (and his home, and 18 devices seized). This is EXTREMELY rare, a profound intrusion into a lawyer's life

Giuliani Special Master Thread 4/

The PREVIOUS time we heard of this rare raid on an attorney's office in the USA, was with SITTING President Trump's then CURRENT lawyer, Michael Cohen. A raid by the FBI, that was APPROVED by Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Giuliani Special Master Thread 5/

A judge has to approve such a raid. It is RARE for the feds to even REQUEST one. And there are EXCEPTIONAL requirements to get the search warrant. There must be evidence of a crime. And in Michael Cohen's case, he pleaded guilty, went to prison

Giuliani Special Master Thread 6/

In Giuliani (and Toensing) case, the Feds REQUESTED this raid in summer of 2020, but crooked Attorney General Bill Barr denied this permission. THAT is why Giuliani is still a free man today. His office raid was POSTPONED until Barr replaced

Giuliani Special Master Thread 7/

Do NOT think that the feds do not take Trump crimes seriously (Michael Cohen went to prison) or that Bill Barr managed to stop prosecution of Trumpomobsters. Giuliani office raid was just DELAYED by Barr, not prevented. It happened a month ago

Giuliani Special Master Thread 8/

Now. The Feds had REASON to believe Giuliani office and home held EVIDENCE of a crime or crimes (Ukraine) relating to Trump. Giuliani already CONFESSED to some of those crimes on TV in 2019 around Trump Impeachment 1. Lev Parnas provided proof

Giuliani Special Master Thread 9/

But the Feds had to wait until Bill Barr is replaced by AG Garland, and they got permission to request that search warrant, and a judge granted it. And the raid on Giuliani happened end of April. Why is Rudy still a free man? Special Master!

Giuliani Special Master Thread 10/

Just like with the Michael Cohen legal office raid in 2018, when FBI takes files from an attorney's office, there MAY be documents that are 'privileged'. Documents that MUST remain secret. It is called 'client-attorney privilege'.

Giuliani Special Master Thread 11/

A legal client MUST be able to TRUST the secrecy of his attorney, when asking for legal advice - EVEN if it relates to a crime that client has committed. The Cops would LOVE to see all that, but ARE NOT ALLOWED TO. Absolute secrecy.

Giuliani Special Master Thread 12/

That is why the FEDs requested this Special Master. Not Giuliani! It was the FEDs who asked for it. They KNOW most of the evidence seized is fair game. They have MORE than enough to fry Rudy. They do not want to lose on a technicality

Giuliani Special Master Thread 13/

And just like in the Micahel Cohen case, this judge in Giuliani's case has now decided - 4 weeks later - that yes, there will be a Special Master to review the evidence. This is a GOOD thing. But it shows how SLOWLY the matter is moving

Giuliani Special Master Thread 14/

The Special Master has not even been APPOINTED yet. The Judge now asks both sides to submit suitable candidates. THAT process likely takes a week or two. AFTER that, the SM starts to review evidence. For WEEKS. Many weeks.

Giuliani Special Master Thread 15/

We can expect, that the Feds HAVE enough evidence to take Giuliani into custody TODAY. But THAT evidence is typically COPIES (like via Lev Parnas). When they see ORIGINALS, they can proceed to arrest Rudy. Or if Rudy destroyed any evidence haha

Giuliani Special Master Thread 16/

Now the RELEVANCE of Special Master. Understand. The Feds have NOT LOOKED at the evidence they took 4 weeks ago. They want Special Master to decide first. This tells us WHAT TIME we are in the process. Rudy will to prison. He will flip on Trump

Giuliani Special Master Thread 17/

But first Rudy Giuliani needs to be arrested (or surrenders) before he flips on Trump. That arrest will not happen until AFTER the Feds have reviewed the evidence they took 4 weeks ago. And BEFORE THAT they want Special Master to review

Giuliani Special Master Thread 18/

It is certain Giuliani goes to prison for a decade or more
It is certain Giuliani flips on Trump
We know now, Rudy arrest comes this summer
And his trial happens this Autumn

This was an important milestone, today, the Special Master

PS to this thread

I will do a short follow-up Thread to discuss the evidence, what is privileged and what is not. So what will the Special Master be looking for. Hold on...

Ok. I have now written the follow-up short thread on what does this 'client-attorney' privilege mean, what parts might Rudy be able to hide, what will not be protected. Here is the thread:

PS 2: Some have suggested that Rudy may have destroyed the incriminating evidence. And this indeed has likely happened. However, that will actually make matters WORSE for Giuliani and Trump. See why:

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