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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 28, 2021, 6 tweets

Thread on Giuliani Special Master
and Client-Attorney Privilege

I am not an attorney. I do not even play one on Twitter. So this is my best understanding. Please consult a real attorney for the real law haha.

That said. What to expect from Special Master?

The 'Client-Attorney' privilege means that generally any communications between an attorney and that attorney's client must be held secret & may not be disclosed for example in a court case

That communication must be LEGAL ADVICE. And it must be PRIVATE (not shared with others)

So if Giuliani had a client in Ukraine, and TOLD someone like Trump, what Giuliani had told the client in Ukraine - that VOIDS the client-attorney privilege. Look at how corrupt Trump and Giuliani are? This has likely happened REGULARLY with Rudy. For example telling Lev Parnas

But more importantly, an attorney MAY NEVER assist a client in COMMITTING a crime. An attorney may of course help a client who HAS COMMITTED a crime in the past. But the attorney may never ASSIST the client in committing a NEW crime. That is NEVER privileged communications

The Special Master will need to decide on Giuliani communications, what is LEGAL advice, given to a client. Rudy talking about politics with Trump is not legal advice ever. Only PRIVATE communications about law, would be privileged. And Rudy cannot help his client commit crimes

Also any private communications that have been DISCLOSED by either the attorney (Giuliani) or his client (Trump) are no LONGER protected by client-attorney privilege. Here it may be a slight problem for Rudy, that both he and Trump have been confessing their crimes on TV nightly

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