James Talarico Profile picture
Texas State Representative, former middle school teacher, proud progressive, and eighth generation Texan. 1 John 4:8 #PeopleOverPolitics

May 28, 2021, 10 tweets

Today I killed HB 3979—the bill that attempted to teach our students a whitewashed version of American history—with a Point of Order.

If kids are old enough to experience racism, then they're old enough to learn about it. #txlege

I started by asking the bill author why Senate Republicans removed language requiring social studies educators to teach students that white supremacy is morally wrong from the House version of the bill...

If you’re new to the Texas House, the back microphone is used to ask questions and the bill author is supposed to answer them.

“Is it fair to say that any bill that strikes language condemning racism is a racist bill?”

“Do you think the removal of that clear and simple language condemning white supremacy reveals that the true purpose of this bill is to teach our students a whitewashed version of American history?”

And here’s the moment we called the Point of Order—a procedural maneuver—that killed HB 3979.

As of now, the bill is effectively dead, but my colleagues and I are remaining vigilant in case there are efforts to revive it.

This was a team effort.

Thanks to my colleagues @RepMaryGonzalez @DiegoBernalTX @jarvisjohnsontx @RafaelAnchia @ErinForYall @TurnerForTX for your work against the bill.

Thank you to the groups that have been fighting this bill for months @IDRAedu @MALCTx @txblackcaucus @TxTLEEC

Last thing: I’m typically conflict avoidant. I try to resolve conflicts with colleagues before we get to the floor.

But as a former teacher who taught black & brown children, I found this bill to be personally offensive.

Our teachers & our students deserve better than HB 3979.

Late last night, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick violated the Texas Constitution to bring HB 3979 back from the dead.

This blatant rule-breaking is stunning, and a frightening reminder of the danger Trump Republicans pose to our democracy.

BUT there’s a silver lining...

@DanPatrick could only revive the House version of the bill, which includes our amendments requiring educators to teach:

—the history of white supremacy
—figures like Frederick Douglas, MLK, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta
—the Chicano movement, labor movement, & feminist movement

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