J Michael Waller Profile picture
Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy. Author, "Big Intel: How the CIA & FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains" (2024)

May 29, 2021, 8 tweets

Biden Justice Department submits evidence that BLM/Antifa supporter John Earle Sullivan was at the vanguard of the January 6 attack on the US House of Representatives and that he "brought my megaphone to instigate" Trump supporters. theepochtimes.com/black-lives-ma…

The complete Justice Department memorandum is here. courtlistener.com/docket/5914702…

DOJ presents evidence to federal court that BLM/Antifa supporter John Earle Sullivan instigated Trump supporters and others on the West front of the US Capitol to attack the Capitol Building.

The Department of Justice memorandum validates what I observed on January 6 and what @SenRonJohnson has raised concerns about: Covert cadre instigating protesters. (I saw plenty of right-wing protesters instigating, also.)

Biden Justice Department submits evidence to federal court that BLM/Antifa supporter John Earle Sullivan admitted to smashing a window in the US Capitol. Sullivan was at the vanguard of the January 6 attack.

DOJ memo to federal court: BLM/Antifa supporter John Earle Sullivan, one of the first to break into the US Capitol on January 6, says, "I brought my megaphone to instigate sh*t.... I'm gonna make these Trump supporters f--- all this sh*t up...."

DOJ tells court that BLM/Antifa supporter John Earle Sullivan, one of the first to attack the US Capitol on January 6, has "a photograph of himself protesting in tactical gear with an assault rifle outside the Utah state Capitol last summer."

Of course, Epoch Times reporter @PetrSvab reported this way back on January 8. theepochtimes.com/self-proclaime…

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