J Michael Waller Profile picture
Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy. Author, "Big Intel: How the CIA & FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains" (2024)
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Sep 17 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵In 2005, the bipartisan Commission on Election Reform, co-chaired by Jimmy Carter and James A. Baker III, expressed concerns about electronic voting systems.

Since then, the Carter Center & Baker Institute scrubbed their websites of the report. 👉
web.archive.org/web/2005092212… 2) Carter-Baker report, pp. 25-27: Voting machines lack transparency.

“Voting machines must … be transparent. They must allow for recounts and for audits, and thereby giver voters confidence in the accuracy of the vote tallies.”

“The accessibility and accuracy of DREs [direct recording electronic machines], however, are offset by a lack of transparency, which has raised concerns about security and verifiability. In most of the DREs used in 2004, voters could not check that their ballot was recorded correctly. Some DREs had no capacity for an independent recount.”Image
Aug 15 4 tweets 2 min read
In a 62-page ruling, a federal magistrate judge agrees with @dominionvoting and sacks attorney Stefanie Lambert from defending @PatrickByrne from Dominion.

Case 1:21-cv-02131-CJN-MAU.

The judge is with the squeaky-clean US District Court for the District of Columbia.

What is in the emails being produced in discovery that Dominion wants to keep secret?Image @dominionvoting @PatrickByrne Download the 62-page PDF of the court decision siding with Dominion to sack Patrick Byrne's attorney, Stefanie Lambert.

I have posted this on my Academia account in the public interest so that people may download it for free. I am not party to this case. academia.edu/122888005/DOMI…
Aug 13 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Breaking: @Smartmatic President and COO Roger Piñate has surrendered to US authorities in Miami to face federal grand jury charges of international corruption and bribery.

El Nuevo Herald has the story. elnuevoherald.com/noticias/flori… @smartmatic The @Smartmatic co-founder and executive put up $8.5 million in bail, but did not enter a plea of guilt or innocence, according to the Nuevo Herald, because he says he doesn't have a "permanent attorney."
Aug 10 10 tweets 7 min read
🧵 Here's the US federal grand jury indictment against @Smartmatic President & COO Roger Piñate and the others.

This is a 31-page document. All images will appear in this thread. Image @smartmatic 2). Pages 2-5 of the Smartmatic indictment.

Aug 10 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Let's crowdsource some answers to these five questions, one at a time. I welcome @Smartmatic CEO @antoniomugica to help us out, for transparency's sake:

1) Did the Venezuelan engineers of the Delaware-incorporated Smartmatic, including Mugica and Roger Piñate, create the software to help Hugo Chavez cheat his way out of the 2004 recall referendum? (1/5)Image @smartmatic @antoniomugica 2) The following year, in 2005, did Smartmatic buy Sequoia (which controlled 22 percent of the US electoral market) and if so, where did it get the cash? (2/5) Image
Aug 8 23 tweets 10 min read
President of Smartmatic is among four indicted today by federal grand jury for bribery and fraud related to electronic voting systems.

DOJ names Roger Alejandro Piñate Martinez in the news release, but does not identify him as president of Smartmatic. justice.gov/opa/pr/four-me… Smartmatic says its Presdident Piñate "played a critical role in planning and executing the world’s largest election using optical scanners (in the Philippines) and in Smartmatic winning the largest election contract in US history (in Los Angeles)." smartmatic.com/us/team-member…
Jul 29 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Former top @USAID official testifies to Congress:

"our foreign aid budgets have grown so large that our federal agencies can no longer fulfill their management and oversight duties to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer funds. A powerful and politicized aid industrial complex lobbies Congress to achieve two self-serving goals – secure ever larger foreign aid budgets and stymie aid transparency and accountability." @HeritageImage 🧵Former top USAID official on how radicals in foreign aid sector aid America's enemies:

"Worse, the [foreign aid] sector has been taken over by a fringe group of radicals unrepresentative of America, who undercut the effectiveness of our aid programs, and damage the American brand overseas to the benefit of Communist China, Putin’s Russia, Iran and its proxies, and other global actors that mean to do us harm."
Jul 25 14 tweets 8 min read
🧵Devastating scoop by @mirandadevine about the 229-page report by current and former @FBI personnel. These professionals confirm that the rot in the FBI is deep and terminal. I'm reading the entire report now. Here's the link to the full PDF. scribd.com/document/75316… The report's 10 key findings, submitted to Congress, reveal an FBI that's out of control and unreformable.

1. Local law enforcement officers do not trust the FBI.
2. No more actionable, substantive information sharing with FBI.
3. FBI National Academy graduates are troubled by the bias.
4. Crisis of confidence in FBI-led task forces.
5. The FBI is isolated and unresponsive to local law enforcement.
6. Local law enforcement officers feel disrespected by FBI special agents.
7. Today's tone-deaf FBI disregards the value of retired FBI special agents.
8. The new generation of sub-standard FBI special agents.
9. FBI management is too transitory and obsessed with self-promotion.
10. The FBI's cult of narcissism begins at the FBI Academy.Image
Jul 24 4 tweets 2 min read
If you were raised by Marxists and are not a solid anti-Marxist, you are a threat to our constitutional way of life.

Barack's boyhood mentor was Communist Party man Frank Marshall Davis.

Kamala's father was a Marxist professor.

Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor. Kamala Harris' father, Donald, was a visiting professor of economics at Stanford. The Stanford Daily described him as "one of two Marxian economists" in the Economics Department and a "radical prof." h/t to @TonyClimate. archives.stanforddaily.com/1974/01/25?pag…
May 5 12 tweets 5 min read
From a career CIA analyst: The Marxists have infiltrated the heart of the American intelligence community. 🧵 @gentry_johna's article about Marxist penetration of the US intelligence community is exhaustively sourced. It appeared after I finished the Big Intel manuscript.

Gentry looks at "critical intelligence studies" (CIS) as part of critical theory. tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
Apr 27 6 tweets 3 min read
Naval War College, in the name of “inclusion,” brings in Hamas supporter @misbah_hyder to instruct @USNavy officers on how to include “every student voice.”

Hyder supports the nationwide protests in support of the designated terrorist group.

Here is full text of the email from the pronouned Amanda M. Rosen who is promoting this to faculty.

Dear faculty,
Starting this week, the Teaching Excellence Center will run a faculty
learning community on inclusive teaching. This is a great chance to learn more about how to include every student voice in the important conversations of our classrooms. Led by Dr. Misbah Hyder, the group will meet virtually on Zoom Thursdays from 1200-1300 and all faculty and interested staff are welcome to join. If you are interested, stop by H129 to pick up the book that will inspire conversation, and email Dr. Hyder at misbah.hyder@usnwc.edu to get the zoom information.
Amanda M. Rosen, PhD
Interim Director and Associate Professor
Writing and Teaching Excellence Center
U.S. Naval War College
686 Cushing Road
Newport, RI 02841Image We’ve copied Hyder’s @X page, in case she takes it down.
Apr 9 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵 At the @Heritage Foundation’s Weaponization of Government symposium. Former @FBI Special Agent @GOBactual starts off: Many in the FBI are “cowards” and will do anything they are told even when they know it’s wrong. Former FBI man @RealStevefriend tells his story of being pulled out of investigating kiddie porn sickos to go after J6 misdemeanors.

“Whistleblower protection exists but they have a hack around it” in the FBI. “We need to investigate you forever.”
Mar 29 6 tweets 2 min read
.@FBI says it's permanently closing the file to FOIA requests about notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger - a file chock full raw information about corruption between the city's murderous organized crime figures and the Bureau itself. bostonherald.com/2024/03/28/fbi… @FBI “The whole thing was corrupt from the get-go,” said Janet Uhlar, a juror on Bulger’s 2013 trial. “They put out a lie. He [Bulger] was never an informant, he bought information from the @FBI.”
Mar 20 8 tweets 3 min read
Biden Doesn’t Need Congress To Get ‘Urgent’ Aid To Ukraine, So Why Is He Blaming Republicans? thefederalist.com/2024/03/20/bid… Let's dissect this important article on 🇺🇦 by my colleagues @AnIllarionov and @morganwirthlin.

"Biden already has the authority to send roughly the same amount of aid he is demanding from Congress in the ’emergency’ supplemental bill."

What’s in the bill? Few proponents have even bothered to read the it. My colleagues have.

"The supplemental bill provides funds through three main channels: the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), Foreign Military Financing (FMF), and the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA)."

Te $13.8 billion for USAI until September 30, 2025, or 1-1/2 fiscal years.

FMF provides only $1.6 billion for Ukraine AND OTHER COUNTRIES, for 1-1/2 fiscal years.

PDA is capped at $7.8 billion GLOBALLY through September 30, not only for 🇺🇦, but for 🇮🇱, 🇹🇼, and anywhere else POTUS designates. (continued)
Mar 9 31 tweets 10 min read
🧵 This video shows the logic of the 2024 “democracy is under attack” meme. Watch the video and then see my comments as I post them. ft.com/video/bd19b92f… 2) The central theme is that democracy is under attack and that climate change is a crisis to endanger the earth.

It presumes that central government should "deliver basic necessities" and not simply ensure the conditions for the people to deliver those necessities. Image
Feb 10 5 tweets 2 min read
Boston Globe finds that Massachusetts dumps illegal aliens on the middle class and spares wealthy liberal towns. bostonglobe.com/2024/02/09/met… They voted for this.

Massachusetts is a sanctuary state with a "right to shelter" law.

“The sense is that wealthier communities are not bearing any of the burden,” said Taunton Mayor Shaunna O’Connell, whose city has a median household income of about $89,800. “When you suddenly have 300 or 400 new people coming to your city, it puts a strain on services. . . . Communities like Newton or Wellesley could bear some of the obligation that we are under.”Image
Jan 27 6 tweets 3 min read
Biden’s Senior Director for Intelligence Programs on the White House National Security Council staff, Maher Bitar, was an official of @UNRWA while the group was providing material support to terrorism.
Image This is called ideological infiltration of our intelligence services. It started with Stalin.
Jan 26 15 tweets 3 min read
1) Excerpts from the important letter from 10 former top @FBI officials about the border crisis:

"we write to express our concern about a current, specific threat that may be one of the most pernicious ever to menace the United States."
justthenews.com/sites/default/… @FBI 2) "The danger arises from the nature of the threat itself. Wars and espionage and bombings and riots are sadly familiar delivery systems of instability, intimidation, and insecurity....

"The threat we call out today is new and unfamiliar."
Jan 20 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm starting a 🧵about the orchestrated hysteria that American democracy will end because Trump will become a murderous dictator if elected.

A lot of this is projection, anyway. We'll start with Eric Holder, who, as a student radical at Columbia University, held a dean hostage in solidarity with assorted Soviet-backed Third World revolutionaries and racial identity terrorists here at home. breitbart.com/politics/2024/… 2) From the great Victor Davis Hanson.
Oct 31, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1) Big university donors who pull their cash over pro-Hamas activity on campus prompt Boston Globe gender and diversity columnist to wonder if donors shouldn't really have a say in their philanthropy after all.

Excerpts follow. bostonglobe.com/2023/10/30/bus… 2) Globe: "Susan Ostrander, a professor emerita in sociology at Tufts University who studies philanthropy, said she was surprised by how quickly donors have pulled funding to protest how university leaders responded to the Hamas attack on Oct. 7."
Oct 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Michael Yon just flew over the illegal alien mobilization camp in Darian Gap, Panama, and took a lot of pictures.

The camp is growing, now with helipads, a road, and a bridge under construction to send as many as 200 busloads of illegals daily toward the United States. Big expansion of the US taxpayer-funded San Vicente camp, aka "China Camp," in the Darien Gap, Panama, as meeting point for illegals from around the world to begin their land route to the American border. @Michael_Yon's comparative photos from 2022-2023. Image