TNKPhDCFA Profile picture
Mech Engineer, inventor, CFA investment mgr, PhD Marine Biologist, bike fitter, triathlete, lead guitarist: Irredeemables, dad, PANDA ExCo science coord.

May 29, 2021, 18 tweets

"I’m motivated by fear of what is going to happen to our world, to the fabric of our society. I’m worried about the future of my children. I want them to live in a free and liberal democracy - not in the totalitarian techno-medico-bureaucracy we’re heading into."

Those are the words of Nick Hudson, PANDA cofounder, from the Q&A portion of his BizNews talk that millions have watched yet was censored by YT (linked at end of thread).

Now that much of the Covid panic is fizzling out, we need to turn our attention to this underlying theme...

What is driving the censorship, the bad data, the psychological manipulation, the groupthink, the "wrongthink", the careless stripping of liberties and scientific mores?

Nick continues: "History is riddled with stories of how concessions to freedom and liberty rapidly evolve.."

"So we all have an ethical responsibility to push back against these encroachments. I do hope people are aware of the extent to which we are in a dangerous situation. You need to be thinking Stalin - that’s what we’re facing. We need to decentralize."

"The erosion of liberal values in countries that basically invented them is breathtaking."

Stop and think about that last sentence. It is 100% accurate. Is that something that should be supported? Has history ever demonstrated that such erosion leads to prosperity?

"The 3 M’s - Marxism, Malthusianism, and (post)Modernism. These are some of the most dangerous, toxic ideas that have ever haunted the planet. This is the territory of Stalin and Mao and Hitler. And it’s disguised - in words like inclusive growth, sustainability."

"Nice sounding words that hide dangerous doctrines - which are very convenient for those who want to centralize."

Collectivism: another nice-sounding word to the uninitiated. Look it up - it's where we're heading, and it's far from nice if you don't enjoy gulags.

"The problems here are all caused by these overtly centralized and suppressive organizations - the WHO, CDC. You can’t speak out. The mechanisms for error correction have been destroyed. They’re wrong about everything and no one’s allowed to say it."

"I talk about the unholy alliance between big tech, big pharma, and a very captured media - often owned or funded by big tech or big pharma. And these supranational organizations like the Gates foundation that are able to manipulate narratives."

"I don’t think there’s a conspiracy in the form of a meeting in a smoked filled room - but there’s a convergence of incentives."

"Lockdowns are the most regressive strategy that’s ever been invented. The wealthy have become much wealthier. Trillions of dollars of wealth have been transferred from the working class to wealthy people."

"We had the (pandemic response) guidelines. We even had the statements of principle detailing what evidence threshold is required to amend the guidelines. But in the space of 7 days all over the world those guidelines were torn up. And that has to be understood."

"We need to work out why public health officials all over the world went down this road. That’s not something we can just gloss over. And it’s not that we didn’t know - we did know - that’s why we had the guidelines."

So where does this leave us? While we may feel relief that the "overlords" are letting up on the panic-pushing and restrictions, the real battle is just beginning.

"I would not short change the effectiveness of network-based ideas. Can you start a nucleus of people in your company (or town) that are brought back to reality? And they influence other people around them."


"That’s what’s required. McKay’s story about bringing people back to their senses one by one. That’s what needs to be done."

In case you wonder about PANDA's and Nick's incentives here (and you should always think about underlying incentives), go back to the first tweet.

Now compare to the incentives of those we must resist.

Video links - must see if you haven't already:…


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