Dr Ella Hawkins Profile picture
Design, Shakespeare, biscuit art. Teaching Fellow in Early Modern English @EDACS_UoB. Book: Shakespeare in Elizabethan Costume (@Ardenpublisher, 2022). She/her.

May 29, 2021, 10 tweets

I am reliably informed that today is #NationalBiscuitDay.

Here is a 🧵 of all the biscuits I've made so far in 2021.

First up, my William Morris set. Inspired by an old @V_and_A calendar, everything hand-piped in royal icing. Flavour: cardamom, orange & vanilla.

This one was based on The Phoenix Portrait of Elizabeth I.

Royal icing is v. fabulous for embroidery effects. I'm also obsessed with gold details on biscuits. All details piped on and painted with edible metallic/pearlescent powders. (2/?)

The Phoenix Cookie was the centrepiece of an Elizabethan-inspired set, inspired by extant garments and textiles at the @V_and_A & The School of Historical Dress. (3/?)

Next, things got very Outlander (❤️). This set was an attempt to biscuitize some of @OutlanderCostum's sensational eighteenth-century-inspired costume designs for the show.

Hand-painted, piped & airbrushed royal icing details here w/ more of my favourite metallic details. (4/?)

These had a gorgeous story behind them.

I was asked by a friend to biscuify a patchwork quilt that had been made for her by her mum. Each patch was cut from a dress my friend had worn as a child. Each biscuit recreated a patch on the quilt. (5/?)

All change for the next set. Goodbye delicate florals, hello Anglo-Saxon metalwork.

Inspired by the Staffordshire Hoard. The garnets are made out of piping gel, which is a mixture of golden syrup & a setting agent. @samuel_a_jones ate them all. Biscuit flavour: chocolate. (6/?)

The interval was brief. Back to the dainty florals for this Morris-inspired set to celebrate the arrival of my friend's baby. Bunnies! Teddies! A subtle spray of pearlescent lustre with the airbrush to make the pastel shades shimmer 🌟. (7/?)

I had to take a break from biscuiting to get on with writing. But! After rewatching 'Emma' (2020) *again*, I couldn't resist spending a weekend making a set inspired by the film's glorious, GLORIOUS costumes. (8/?)

No biscuit thread would be complete without this set. It's niche. It's bizarre. It's a Nicolas Cage biscuit filmography. (9/?)

Herein ends my #NationalBiscuitDay thread. I wish you all a wonderful day of biscuits.

For more content on similar themes, here is my Facebook page dedicated to edible exploits: facebook.com/EllaMakesCakes

I'm also on Instagram: instagram.com/ellamchawk/


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