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"What is @Aw_What problem? Obsessed with HART. I feel angry." - #Hartleaks "Supposed Librarian" "Anonymous adversary" - #Hartleaks

May 29, 2021, 16 tweets

1) After hitting 99 tweets on my PCR Claims thread, & now PCR Claims is basically just Narice promoting his new campaign & posting nonsense, I've decided to start a new thread on Liberal Spring.

2) Narice first started posting about Liberal Spring on 14th March 2021 (@JamesMelville & Jenny Rickson also began posting similar soon after. However, Melville recently dropped the cherry blossom emoji from his profile).

3) Liberal Spring recently launched their updated website containing a video of Mike Yeadon endorsing the campaign. The main aims of the group are to "lobby the Lib Dem membership" & "raise greater awareness" of their "10 Pledges".

4) A notable difference between Liberal Spring & PCR Claims is that this new "lobbying" campaign ask for donations. Its not outlined exactly what will happen with donations but states: "We will publish from time to time how donations have been spent and what has been raised."

5) @StarsOfCovid has taken a closer look at the technical side of Liberal Spring's website, which you can read about here:…

6) As @StarsOfCovid found out, through the Liberal Spring website there's strong links to Dolores Cahill's Happen Network (& Happenmedia). I previously wrote about Cahill's company:

7) In photos from Saturday's protest, Jo Rogers had tagged in Happen Network to her photos (see below). I worked out that this was because Richard Jeffs ("volunteer" for Liberal Spring at the protest & in a photo) runs the Happen Network platform.

8) Jeffs was involved in the production of a video with Dolores Cahill ("The New Normal"). Reuters provided a fact check debunking claims made in this video. Jeffs "volunteering" with Liberal Spring also explains what @StarsOfCovid found out (See Tweet 5)…

9) As I've discussed before, Bernie de Haldevang has been involved with Narice since the Yeadon Campaign & also Hart. Bernie has also been promoting Narice's Liberal Spring. And so has homeopath, Anna Rayner.

10) Jeffrey Peel (who distanced himself from PCR Claims) has gotten behind Liberal Spring too. Melville (now deleted tweet) jumped on the bandwagon. And now Smalley & Craig are onboard too.

11) As I haven't looked in a while, I thought I'd check how Narice's Liberal Spring movement was going. How are their "negotiations" with @LibDems getting on? Are they attempting to portray themselves as a viable political option? Oh...

12) So, their plan is to "negotiate" with @LibDems and once the party agree to adhere to Liberal Spring's 10 Pledges, they'll "lend" the party their registered member base to become LD members. But this is only so that Lib Spring can gain access to MSM to present their "evidence"

13) And where does Narice "founder of @hartgroup_org" get his "evidence"? Narice's idol, Mike Yeadon, of course. With a bit of "PCR Fraud" from Clare Craig, biased data analysis from Joel Smalley & other quality sources. I'm sure @LibDems will be fully onboard Narice!!

14) Narice states that he would "rather negotiate" with @LibDems "than use force but all options remain on the table".

15) What??!! "If you understand this message, please give me your email address and make a donation..."

16) Times article today discussing Narice's Liberal Spring and Liberty Places. @LibDems spokesman quote pretty much ends the Liberal Spring campaign's hopes of getting anywhere.

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