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May 30, 2021, 9 tweets

Government expands scope of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme.

Government expands scope of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme.

Covid 2.0 led to a lot of disruption in business activity, especially for MSMEs, says SBI's Dinesh Khara.

Public sector banks have come out with three set of products to push up lending to sectors covered under the #Covid loan book, says Dinesh Khara.

Have already formulated restructuring plan for small borrowers, says SBI chairman Dinesh Khara.

Preliminary assessment shows that we should be able to build a book of Rs 2,000 crore under the expanded ECLGS scheme, says Dinesh Khara.

RBI Governor had previously said that the measures announced on May 5 were not the last, says Indian Banks' Association's Sunil Mehta.

Read: bit.ly/3yO1Rh3

The banking system will remain quite open to help the healthcare system as per their needs, says Dinesh Khara.

Read: bit.ly/3yO1Rh3

Government expands list of eligible sectors and extends tenor of loans under the scheme.

@Vishwanath4389 reports.


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