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Investment Advisor, Author & Coach. Only Investment & Life fundas. I have conviction in my ideas & hence consistency in my Advice. Digest them or ignore them.

May 30, 2021, 8 tweets

MisterBond's Rankings as on May 30'2021: From 01-04-15 to 30-05-21

Rankings of only those which were in existence from 01-04-15

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3 Types of Rankings:
1) IHR: Investor High Returns - Higher returns in higher return bands
2) IER: Investor Experience Returns - IHR adjusted for Volatility
3) % of observations of each scheme beating Industry Average

Large Cap Scheme Rankings:
Industry Avg: 8.50%
Number of Observations Completing 5 years: 284
Based on 5 year rolling returns

Mid Cap Scheme Rankings:
Industry Average: 8.88%
Number of Observations completing 5 years: 284
Based on 5 year daily rolling returns

Small Cap Scheme Rankings:
Industry Average: 8.88%
Number of observations completing 5 years: 284
Based on 5 year rolling returns

Flexi Cap Scheme Rankings:
Industry Average: 8.94%
Number of Observations completing 5 years: 284
Based on 5 year Rolling returns

DAAF Scheme Rankings:
Industry Average: 6.76%
Number of observations completing 3 years: 778
Based on 3 year Rolling Returns

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