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Weird times getting weirder

May 30, 2021, 10 tweets

Whole world knows Canada's shame today. Cynical political leaders will call for a "blue ribbon panel" to "get to the bottom of this" so it sounds like they're doing something. The panel'll be under-funded & ignored, which is fine because the WORK HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE #cdnpoli

The work's already been done, 94 #CallsToAction made & this work has been largely ignored by Canadians & its leaders. As it relates to Missing Children & Burial Information there are 6 very specific, eminently sensible & humane recommendations #cdnpoli /2 trc.ca/assets/pdf/Cal…

#71 is just calling for the data we already know exists to be forwarded to the appropriate agency, that it can no longer remain stubbornly sat on by repeated generations of bad government actors who would prefer to keep hidden the exact details of one of Canada's worst secrets /3

#72 calls for the formation & maintenance of a database as to which children from which families were taken to which facilities & where their bodies were buried. How is it not monstrous to refuse such a thing to the many victims' ancestors at this very late date? Indefensible. /4


#74: Where a victim has been identified the family must be contacted, ensuring a proper ceremony can be performed and if desired the remains returned home in accordance with that family's wishes. A humane people would see this done.

#TruthAndReconciliation Call To Action #75 is really just calling for a system to ensure that existing or newfound gravesites are treated with the sacred dignity they deserve. You can translate this directly into not further compounding one of Canada's most horrific "secrets" /7

The final #TruthAndReconciliation Call To Action as it relates to Missing Children & Burial Information just means Indigenous personnel and practises must hold sway over the process so as not to further compound this atrocity. It's quite literally the least we can do. /8

Those are just 6 out of 94 eminently sensible & humane Calls To Action from the #TruthAndReconciliation Commission of Canada.

You can access the full 94 at this link: trc.ca/assets/pdf/Cal….

You can read a summary of the Final Report here


Via phone, email, letter or social networks anybody that wants to can call upon their MPs to represent them at the federal level in supporting the #TruthAndReconciliation Calls To Action, starting with #71-76: Missing Children and Burial Information


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