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May 30, 2021, 14 tweets

Today is #WorldNoTobaccoDay! 🚭

The #COVID19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit.

Join communities of quitters and commit to quit today 👉

Every year, over 8⃣ million people die from tobacco.

There is no better time to quit 🚭. Sign the pledge and #CommitToQuit today! 👉 #WorldNoTobaccoDay

Smokers face a 40–50% higher risk of developing severe disease and death from #COVID19 and the pandemic.

More info 👉 #CommitToQuit #WorldNoTobaccoDay

Tobacco causes

🤢 teeth to yellow
🤢 excess dental plaque
🤢 bad breath

Using tobacco negatively affects your social interactions.

Quitters are winners. #CommitToQuit now 👉 #WorldNoTobaccoDay

Cigarette butts are among the most commonly discarded pieces of plastic waste globally.

#CommitToQuit - save your health ♥️ & the environment 🌳


Smoking prematurely ages the skin by wearing away proteins that give the skin elasticity.

Sign the pledge & #CommitToQuit today! 👉 #WorldNoTobaccoDay

Smokers burn through an average of USD1.4 million in personal costs, including cigarettes & medical costs.

Tobacco is expensive 💰 - #CommitToQuit today & spend your money on more important things 👉


Smoking impairs lung function making it harder to fight off coronaviruses. This puts smokers at greater risk of developing a severe case and dying from #COVID19.

Sign the pledge, #CommitToQuit! 👉


Switching is not quitting!

Vaping, shisha and heated tobacco products are harmful to your health.

#CommitToQuit today! 👉


Non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke are at higher risk of developing oral and lung cancer.

#CommitToQuit for yourself and those around you!


Quitting tobacco improves lung function and reduces coughing and shortness of breath.
#CommitToQuit tobacco & breathe easy!


#CommitToQuit campaign will help 1⃣0⃣0⃣ million people quit tobacco through

✅strong tobacco cessation policies
✅access to cessation services
✅information on tobacco industry tactics
✅“quit & win” initiatives for a successful quit

More info 👉

It is #WorldNoTobaccoDay!

Make today 🗓️ your first tobacco-free day.

Check out the thread below if you don't know how to get started & #CommitToQuit 👇

With access to tools & support services, tobacco users can double their chances of quitting successfully.

Follow the real-life journey of 6 people 🌎🌍🌏 as they try to quit tobacco for good.

Stay tuned for the first episode of "The Quitter Diaries" 👉

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