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May 31, 2021, 6 tweets

Some more fun with radar-less Model Y (thanks @spleck)

First we laced a brown box with foil (for great radar response) and tested my model X on it (FW 2021.4.18)

It rammed it like nothing, but we did get an FCW.

Internal telemetry view (no radar overlaid because it makes the picture too busy)

One frame from radar view.
From it we learn the box is reported as a vehicle, but existence probability is only 30% and obstacle probability is 60%

Now enter model radar-less model Y (FW 2021.4.15.11)
the recording angle is somewhat restricted, but the env is same as above.
The box is rammed without any hesitation. No warnings.

So let's attach out trusty Sir Steady to the box and see how does autopilot perform?

Pretty good actually. Sees the "pedestrian" from very far away and slowly brakes to stop for him.

Now, let's try the same thing on manual. Given the pedestrian is believable enough for AP to act on we we hoping for some warning or at least AEB, but... nothing. Not a peep despite display still showing the pedestrian on approach from afar.

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