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Ex R&D FMCG ind, C Eng. & Odysse 'CreativeWorks', & (legal) , GETTR @HowardSteen

May 31, 2021, 24 tweets

I bring you my latest Covid cartoon & new thread: ‘The United Vacci-Nations’. I strongly believe visual art has an important role to comment on/ expose what is going wrong in society. As other forms of art it has been notable by its absence through suppression during the crisis.

How did a mostly western led cohort of wealthy nation states all act in lockstep unison & with unprecedented determination and taxpayer spending to mount the largest & most expensive vaccination campaign in history? Is it correct even to talk about 'nation states' any more?

Or has a major part of western government already been subverted by a club of unelected billionaires and psychopaths determined to shape a new world order while flushing the old world, its people, cultures, small businesses etc 'down the toilet'. Presided over by Klaus Schwab ..

The central part of cartoon depicts the devilish 'Vernichungsmaschine' = extermination machine. It consumes & destroys everything that is good about humanity - freedom, creativity, diversity, self reliance, home & family & spews out a dull robotic form of dependence on the state.

An indispensable working part of the annihilation machine is a PCR test created by Germany's Prof. C. Drosten Todesengel = 'Angel of Death'. A test which cannot evidence active infection or even the virus: Drosten promotes mass testing of the healthy ...

& now, on cue he promotes mass vaccination of the whole population. What happened to the younger Prof. Drosten who once spoke of 'naturally acquired herd immunity via childhood infection'. He once did science but switched to more profitable $$cience ?…

A central object being flushed down the toilet is an image made famous by artist M C Escher known as the Penrose Stairs…
These stairs, which lead nowhere represent the never ending vaccinations, booster jabs etc which are planned in the New World Order.

While all of this is going on, Christ the Redeemer implores all children of God to get vaccinated - it is your Christian duty ... This stunt to illuminate the statue of Christ overlooking Rio was no doubt a bit of smart pharma spending with a solid ROR:…

Calls to 'solidarity' & 'the collective good' are the hallmark propaganda devices of despots & dictators. In National Socialism era Germany the credo was "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" - The collective above the individual. i.e. suppression of free thinking as we now see today.

History is littered with examples of the excesses visited on humanity by unquestioningly prioritising & following the 'collective' (an abstract concept which does not really exist in flesh and blood) over the inalienable rights of actual individuals. The individual is sovereign.

For anyone who wants to understand more about this battle in society which has been going on vs socialism (the collective) and the individual I can only refer people to @naomirwolf who has said much about this as well as G Edward Griffin's work…

Obvious is that so called 'collateral damage' to economies from the Covid lockdowns is in no way accidental but a planned suppression of the human diversity, independence & freedoms inherent in middle class economic activity. Gerrish @ukcolumn spot on...…

The fake pandemic & criminal aims of the Great Reset envisage a New World Order where ... "You will own nothing and you will be happy." Is Schwab's dystopian vision, which no right minded citizen would vote for inevitable, or can it be stopped & rejected?…

To stop it one first has to understand it (know your enemy). Many who've researched this deliberate subversive movement in free societies talk about a 'circles within circles' structure. The design of my cartoon is in fact built on this very same theme to emphasise the point ...

that to organise global take down of western civil society requires activity across many different sectors. The most visible ones at national level are in the political & institutional areas e.g. Health ministers - Jens Spahn (disciple of Schwab) now wants to vaccinate children.

While over in the UK, Matt Hancock promotes a policy of 'Saving the NHS' by having the government run medical service focus entirely upon one cause of death & delay essential operations on others - in 2021 tens of thousands of deaths forecast from cancer via missed operations.

But actors in political circles & useful idiots like Drosten, Ferguson etc among the governments’ $$cientific advisors are only the visible tip of the iceberg. What remains invisible to the public are the foot soldiers of the ‘United Vacci-Nations’. See Trilogy Part I cartoon..

Is it not remarkable/improbable that almost all Western nations could perform lockstep actions across local government, hospitals & police to implement & enforce C-19 measures without an element of shared or better said common purpose among the employees of these organisations?

The 'circle' of national K Schwab reared leaders of the lockstep measures are highly visible but what happens lower down the hierarchy? Funnily enough there is a charity organisation in the UK that develops 'leaders' who can 'cross boundaries' Interesting.…

Few people have heard of, or know anything about COMMON PURPOSE, a bland charity that escapes attention. Who would guess that this is a global training organisation for local gov., the police and hospitals. @ukcolumn knows all about them and raised alarm.…

CP will be the subject of a future thread but for now @briangukc has summarised his exhaustive research: A global army of foot soldiers trained in power without authority.
But let's finally turn to the media & those alarming 'variants' or 'strains'.

@briangukc It's almost as though the UK & India have got a good reciprocal trade deal going. The UK variant is exported to India causing havoc while the Indian variant threatens end of lockdown at home. Now a spicy Thai variant is heading inexorably towards embattled Blighty. I'm finished.

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