Howard Steen Profile picture
Ex R&D FMCG industry, science & Chem eng. background & Odysse 'CreativeWorks',
14 subscribers
Jan 2 22 tweets 12 min read
@denisrancourt has researched for 5 years into the 2020 engineered global traumatic shock event which, by his estimation of all cause mortality, claimed 30 MM lives. Here are headline findings of his still evolving investigation
1. Nothing was “spreading”…Image 2. Because there is no evidence to support ‘spreading’ of a deadly pathogen the “lab leak theory” is fully irrelevant in any investigation of what happened in 2020. It is a pure diversion.…Image
Jun 15, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Prof. Burkhard, shortly before his tragic death gave a presentation in which he said that the tissue lesions his pioneering work identified in vax victims could have equally well been caused by toxic LNPs as the 'spike protein'. Why all the focus on SP?… Image Like many scientists & doctors opposing the jabs, Burkhardt believed the 'vaccine narrative' i.e. the technology can induce cellular expression of '
spikes & that there is an overlap of action of the 'virus' & the injections.
But others have questioned the expression story ... Image
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
International Covid Summit in Brussels tomorrow from 9am with livestream. ImageImage Data was shared today in this meeting showing a significant drop in live births across all European countries in 2022 vs previous year (on average 7%). Analysis of data from Sweden and Germany shows drop in birth rate starts 9 months after vaccination wave started in 2021. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 20, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
In a new variant of the murder mystery game Cluedo, Miss Scarlet (fit & only 33 yrs old) received an injection & was found dead in her bed next morning. No traditional murder weapon was found but a pathology report noted that a novel molecule was detected in her damaged heart. Image This novel entity, called the ‘spike protein’ (SP) was declared to be the murder weapon. It became the default explanation to account for new phenomena such as SADS, myocarditis etc. It even has a magical and easy to apply test used to evidence its presence (more on that later). Image
Dec 7, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Here is our status on the 'Baby Will' vaccinated blood legal battle in New Zealand which has captured much attention in the last few days. We'll update this again as soon as we hear the judge's verdict.… Just saw this ... thanks @angelovalidiya…
... apparently are all property of the state now who will decide what is best for us and our children. A disgusting and unbelievable verdict from an ignorant judiciary.
Dec 4, 2022 45 tweets 18 min read
Our 2nd & final thread in a review of key findings of pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt, a notable pioneer in the histological investigation of tissue/cell damage from the m-RNA injections. English subtitled video(s) and a transcript can be found here:… The first thread, for anyone who missed it, can be found here. Please note that since this thread, all translation questions were kindly resolved by Prof. Burkhardt himself & the text has been supplemented with additional definitions of medical terms.
Dec 4, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday the Saturday street demo took place in Frankfurt. Corona policy is no longer a key theme at these events but Ukraine war, digital passes, CBDCs & attack on German ‘Mittlestand’ are at the fore. This event attracted a few hundred ppl vs a few thousands 9-12 months ago. The German author and prominent Corona critic, Thorsten Schulte was present and spoke throughout the event. He was just back from a trip to Switzerland and seemed hopeful that the Swiss would reject existing v@x mandate legislation in an upcoming peoples vote in Feb.
Dec 2, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Tuesday was art class, always the best day of the week. Apart from myself, the class is all ladies & they'd requested 'Christmas themes' so that's what we got. Dec 6 is 'St. Nikolaus Day' in Germany & I chose this image to reproduce. It pictures St. Nicholas with 'Krampus' ... Image If you come from outside Germanic speaking areas you will not have heard anything about 'Krampus' (I had not before coming here). Krampus is a horned anthropomorphic beast who accompanies Nicolaus & punishes naughty children - Here's the Hollywood version:
Nov 14, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
English translation of the article here. This is an important case and likely to be precedent setting for others. Philipp Kruse is a very determined Swiss lawyer who has consistently challenged the Covid measures & filed cases in several cantons.… ImageImage More reports in the Swiss media now appearing about this case.…
Nov 14, 2022 26 tweets 14 min read
Today a criminal complaint was filed on behalf of 6 vac damaged people against Swissmedic (the Swiss drug regulator) and vaccinating doctors. The cantonal public prosecutor has already opened proceedings against the still unnamed doctors involved. Looks like a legal precedent. Image Large press conference from Philipp Kruse. Impressive group of experienced doctors e.g. Martin Haditsch, former cantonal prosecutor & 3 vaccine victims telling their stories. See Philipp Kruse Telegram channel. If this cannot get main media coverage I don’t think anything can. ImageImageImageImage
Nov 13, 2022 26 tweets 9 min read
A thread covering findings of German pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt, a notable pioneer in the histological investigation of tissue/cell damage from m-RNA injections. We've translated his most recent seminar in subtitled video format plus a transcript.… Image By the way, Prof. Burkhardt, from the University of Tübingen Institute of Pathology Kaufbeuren-Ravensburg-Reutlingen is also an expert in oral cancers.…
Nov 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
It is clear that pharma has ‘bet the farm’ on a new medical diagnostics and treatment model using m-RNA drug delivery. I used to work in R&D the FMCG industry and we had product development pipelines going out for 5 years or more from which revenue streams could be predicted … and this would be used for profit forecasting purposes. It will be no different for pharma which before 2020 was struggling with its business model but with the sneaky roll-out (under EUA) of m-RNA products they’ve found massive new revenue possibilities. The one looming problem
Aug 16, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read

1/8 Ventavia had unblinded every patient that was randomised in the trial from July to September 2020… 2/8 Why was Ventavia in such a rush to onboard and process the triallists?…
Jun 25, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Demonstrators arriving at the assembly area at Grüneberg Park today for the protest March through the city of Frankfurt which attracted people from all over Germany and from Poland, Switzerland, Holland, France and Belgium. This was a very large event with thousands of people. This gives an idea of the size of the event. It looks to me like the largest demo which Frankfurt has organised in the eight months I’ve been attending these events.
Jun 22, 2022 4 tweets 9 min read
Germany is top contributor to WHO, provided fake PCR test & is home of the once small & struggling company BioNTech that provided the world’s most potent bioweapon. First touted fully safe, Health minister Lauterbach has now admitted harms including… Here is the post in which Lauterbach makes his statement.
It is not too difficult to perceiveGermany as the epicentre inflicting what is now set to become the largest damage to the human health landscape of Europe since WWII. How will the UK & EU countries feel about this role?
May 29, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Powerful UK documentary from @JamesfWells about thousands of injured people who deserve to be heard & to be treated with compassion & receive the greatest medical attention. But globally this is not happening bc wax injury is a taboo topic in society.… Why is wax injury such an incredible taboo topic as pointed out by this one lady. It has been carefully engineered to be that way by manufacturers & media. You could not have any other product causing so much injury & death without it getting immediate attention in society.
May 28, 2022 20 tweets 8 min read
Frankfurt today - the weekly large city demo goes on. This time the theme is a Corona Zoo featuring (not unsurprisingly) several monkeys , a couple of leopards and small bats … A good theme for the present moment
May 22, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Frankfurt am Main yesterday. “Auf die Straße für die Freiheit”
Frankfurt stands up, Frankfurt is waking up the sleepers, Frankfurt is making a difference. A shooting stand- off! group of masked photographers shooting footage of the demonstrators and themselves being shot by the demonstrators. If NATO would provide suitable weaponry, perhaps this could cause a real shooting match! This is how crazy our world has become.
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Art class today, always best day of the week. I did no new image today but went back to the one I started last week. It is a complex image requiring a lot of time, a painting from Eugène Delacroix depicting the French Revolution of 1830 deposing King Charles X. Usual procedure… … make a ‘notan sketch in b&w and colour to plan the tonal values and then create the full size image, usually A3 size. This is as far as I got last week …
May 1, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Prof. Mark Crispin Miller speaking on Friday about propaganda - a series of short extracts here capturing some of his key points:
1. An historical perspective of some major uses of propaganda in the last century up to present day Corona times.… Prof. Mark Crispin Miller
2. Who is behind the propaganda? What we've learned & is being reinforced here is that geopolitical conflicts are hardly ever accidental. They are planned & fuelled on both sides by oligarchs for ideological & financial reasons.…
Apr 18, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Assembly area in Frankfurt for last Saturday’s demo. The show goes on and must go on. Essential to prepare for a 3 hour walk involving two circuits around Frankfurt city centre is to first have a good warm up. Students have been a strong element with their demo dance truck and followers.