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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

May 31, 2021, 25 tweets

With the “meme coin” hype blowing up I thought it’d be nice to have a bit of a refresher, & go over some of the cool projects with real use cases that are ACTUALLY being built on $ETH

All of these projects are breaking into trillion dollar industries...

Let’s begin! 🥐

1. @etherisc

With $LINK oracles, $DIP offers a simple & elegant solution to the trillion dollar insurance industry

Smart contracts automate claims, offering farmers coverage across the world

They were mentioned by the WEF for their unique use cases in a paper on digital assets

2. @AIRA_Robonomics

First a robotics team, their devs found home on $ETH for their plan to build out a network of IOT devices

$XRT has worked with Microsoft in an aim to make smart cities a reality in the 4th industrial revolution

They offer “robot as a service” technology

3. @OverlayProtocol

Built by a former NASA researcher, $OVL is a protocol which allows you to trade virtually any data stream imaginable

This may be Seattle crime rates, the weather in a particular area, or even political markets

They won 1st place in a recent $LINK hackathon

4. $USDC

One of the more obvious ones of this list is $USDC, which cannot go unmentioned

It was created by @coinbase, with a simple premise of offering a stable digital asset for use in DeFi

VISA will be accepting $USDC soon, and the market cap has exploded to nearly $25B

5. @UnlockProtocol

$UDT is a unique project expanding on the concept of an NFT further than one could ever imagine

It allows creators to make platform agnostic locks (NFTs) which unlock content upon purchase

Already, the platform has integrations with Discord, Forbes, and more

6. @Kleros_io

$PNK is a dispute resolution dapp with economic incentives

It’s like a massive crowdsourced decentralized court for $ETH

Users stake $PNK to show support for their stance on a dispute

$LINK brings off chain data on chain, $PNK does so with arbitrary data

7. @zksync

$ZKSYNC is a zero-knowledge proof roll up aiming to bring $ETH to the next level of scaling

It has EVM compatible features making deployment of smart contracts akin to $ETH

Furthermore, big players plan to offer cheaper layer two txs to users through their network

8. @UMAprotocol

$UMA, or Universal Market Access has several aspects which makes it unique to others

With their priceless contract model, DeFi developers can build synthetic assets easily

It provides access to a wide range of markets open to anyone with an internet connection

9. @kp3r_network

Keep3r network is a decentralized devops platform making smart contract automation, management, & more easier on $ETH

Users create jobs (txs) with credits, which are then awarded to keepers who execute their tasks

I like to think of this as the GitHub of $ETH

10. @EverestDotOrg

$ID is building solutions to bridge the current gap between traditional finance and DeFi

They are partnered with ID2020, which received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, for using digital identities on the $ETH blockchain

11. @devprtcl

$DEV takes the $300B open source software industry to the next level

It allows users to tokenize their content like YouTube, Spotify, or even Medium articles

Users can stake $DEV to support the OSS project they wish, & both the patron + patreon get awarded for it

12. @daostack

$GEN is host to many DeFi protocols who use their dapp to deploy DAO’s

Alchemy is their all-in-one platform for various DAO’s to vote, discuss, & collaborate

$GEN uses a particularly interesting governance model, which measures votes in reputation

13. @Superfluid_HQ

Superfluid utilizes layer two networks on $ETH to help create programmable cash flows

This may make up of a payment, subscription, reward, or any other stream of value imaginable

Its form of real time payment offered may rival even the leaders in the field

14. @Truebitprotocol

Created by members of the $ETH team, this token mysteriously launched with big promises for scaling the network

$TRU implements game theory to offer a blockchain agnostic scaling & verification tool

With it, users can perform complex computations on $ETH

15. @reflexerfinance

$RAI is a stable asset with an embedded interest rate for use in DeFi

It is similar to $MKR, however its stable coin $RAI is not pegged to the arbitrary value of $1

$RAI is one of many reflex indexes to come, which serve to dampen volatility of assets

16. @goldfinch_fi

Goldfinch aims to decentralize the process of making loans, AND getting loans without collateral, the “missing piece” that connects CeFi with DeFi

So far they already have more than 10,000 borrowers across Mexico, Nigeria, and Asia

17. @AmpleforthOrg

$AMPL is a perfect example of just how unique projects can get with monetary policy on $ETH

They drafted the concept of an elastic supply token that adapts to the market

In other words the mcap of $AMPL is never directly changed, just the supply of the token

18. @synthetix_io

Synthetic assets on $ETH were made popular thanks to $SNX, and they have grown tremendously in use since

These synthetic assets can represent anything with a price feed with the help of $LINK oracles

$SNX allows users to trade virtually any asset

19. @soramitsu_co

$XOR was founded by a team of blockchain developers working on the Linux foundation

They have created distributed ledger technology used by the Bank of Cambodia for a digital banking app used by thousands

Furthermore, their ecosystem just became interoperable

20. @ethereanos

$BUIDL created decentralized flexible organizations which are essentially upgradeable governance protocols

DFOhub provides all the tools for deploying these dfo’s, and upgrades to any code are voted on with $BUIDL

It has since expanded into many other use cases

21. @Barn_Bridge

$BOND is a complex protocol that essentially allows users to tokenize risk

Split up into what is known as “tranches,” $BOND offers users different levels of risk to choose from to earn their yield

Investment & exposure is then made accordingly for the user

22. @rariblecom

One of the most popular #NFT platforms is that of $RARI. On the platform creators can sell digital assets represented in the form of an NFT on $ETH

The application has had over 193,000 NFT sales, with even popular celebrities beginning to use it

I’m going to cut the list short to fit in a few final thoughts here...

I firmly believe that we have not even begun to scratch the surface of what can be made on $ETH

What we are seeing is industrial tech sucking in the worlds talent at a pace we cannot even begin to comprehend

$ETH is like if the internet had a ticker, entailing the Facebook’s, Amazon’s, & Apple’s that are created with it

It just takes the right team to build something & crypto will change forever

TLDR; $ETH is undervalued & there is some incredible stuff being built on it

Enjoy! 🥐

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