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Multi-award winning Hepatologist.

Jun 1, 2021, 9 tweets

Ayurvedic management of Mucormycosis (black fungus)

First author: Professor of Ayurveda, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, India

Other authors: Post graduate students in Department of Panchakarma, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, India

Why was study done? (Aim)

Because modern medicine treatment and amphotericin B is very expensive.


Not to show that the Ayurvedic treatment is effective


Included patients

High risk --> Covid recovered

Actually no patients are included and there is no patient data in this paper

But, the authors still discuss patients and methods


Preventive methods included:

Yoga for mental health -

being calm and composed with uncontrolled sugars and steroids and with fungal spores around can prevent black fungus infection according to Ayush

Also use Ayurvedic anti-fungals for PREVENTION

Other preventive methods:
Scrape tongue wit neem (herbs contain fungal spores)
Oil in nose (herbal oil can contain fungal spores)
Medicated oils in eye (can cause conjunctivitis)

Take care of liver as it produces immunoglobulins

It doesnt - activated B cells/plasma cells do

Under management comes - PREVENTION

Authors advice drinking cow urine on empty stomach


Fumigate room with cow dung.
Yes. Cow dung.
One of the richest sources of black fungus spores.

This is insane - students are taught and also made to write pseudoscience publications


Diet - avoid sour/salt/spicy

So for a diabetes patient with risk of black fungus infection, what is left in diet?

You guessed right - SWEET. Thats not going to end well.

Also 9 herbal drugs against ONE amphotericin B
So much for expenses and effectiveness


Authors conclusion is beautiful

The manliness of first author (also the professor and the only male in among all authors) shines through as he proclaims


Ayush ministry must dissolve
Ayush colleges must shut down
In graded manner
Rehabilitate these students

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