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NZ, US, UK. Ally🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 🟦 #DemocracyWins against right wing autocracy. #BlackLivesMatter. She/her. Survivor. Stronger than ever. Slava Ukrainii.

Jun 1, 2021, 6 tweets

(1) Thread: The self-exiled Harry recently claimed his father was a bad parent, and he had no kind words to say about anyone in his "family of origin," except his late mother, who can't be called to testify.

Watch this short 1992 clip:

(2) I remember watching the great royal wedding of 1981, then seeing two newborn princes carried down the steps of the Lindo Wing in 1982 and 1984, respectively.

That short clip from Balmoral shows the 10 and 8 year old brothers relaxing as they kick around a soccer ball.

(3) It was 1993 not 1992, sorry. I watched the clip a few times, listened to Charles' wise words, and noted the body language throughout.

After the past few months I like and respect my two future Kings even more than I did before. William has really come into his own.

(4) The Cambridges have just completed a week-long tour of Scotland and are knocking it out of the park, so to speak.

(5) The amount & quality of working royals coverage rn is high.

Most of the time we loyalists forget about those self-serving brats in the US. There are just so many events, photos, video, and stories about our patriotic, down to earth royals as the UK comes out of lockdown.

(6) So I will leave you with this recent photo of our extraordinary 95 year old matriarch on the new aircraft carrier bearing her name. Apparently she has asked staff to plan even more royal visits than she already had. No slowing down, work to be done!

Ich dien - I serve


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