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Belarusian politician. Chief Political Advisor to Sviatlana @Tsihanouskaya. Alum of @americanU. Contact:

Jun 1, 2021, 5 tweets

BREAKING! Belarus Political prisoner and activist Stsyapan Latypau testified about torture in prison and cut his throat in court during in the trial. He is in critical condition. In the video, police and medics carry Latypau out of the court building.

Terrible consequences of tortures in Belarus. Ashurak last week, and now - Latypau. Crimes against humanity in the center of Europe. Stop the terrorist regime now!

Stsiapan Latypau is a Square of Changes resident. On September 15, 2020, he was brutally detained and heavily beaten after asking Lukashenka’s policemen to show their IDs. He was subjected to torture at the detention centre.

Stsyapan Latupau preferred death over admitting false allegations. Lukashenka's thugs threatened him to start criminal cases against his family. This is what they do - they intimidate prisoners with harming their relatives & loved ones. Inhumane and cruel. This must be stopped.

On August 12, when "Women in white" protested in Minsk downtown, Stsiapan Latypau gave away flowers. Now Latypau is fighting for his life. He must live! He could not stand torture in the Belarusian prison and cut his throat in court today. Lukashenka must be held accountable.

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