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Jun 1, 2021, 11 tweets

After months stuck at home, many of us are dreaming of a vacation abroad.

But while vaccines will certainly hasten the return of international travel, we'll need more than shots to get back to some kind of normal

The European Union, with its close borders and intergovernmental relationships, can help pave the way.

Testing and travel guidelines for its own region could set a standard for the rest of the world, if done well

EU states currently differ over:

📆Quarantine periods
⏳Mandatory testing intervals
💉Treatment of vaccinated individuals
🗝Ability to test out of quarantine

Consistency is likely to improve compliance and lead to better results

EU nations should settle on standardized testing protocols before, during and after travel. Rapid antigen tests are preferable to PCR tests because they’re:

➡️Easier to give at the point of care
➡️Particularly adept at detecting infectious people

The EU could contribute more to international genomic-sequencing efforts to provide a better assessment of emerging variants.

Currently there is too wide a gap between genomic surveillance even within developed nations

More comprehensive and timely genomic-sequencing data would ensure that travel guidelines reflect current Covid risks

Currently, infection rates are a key measure of risk in traveling to a given destination. But vaccination rates are also important.

An outbreak of mild Covid-19 in a country where most people are vaccinated is less dangerous, for example

We need a better set of tools to decide which countries are at risk and which are not.

Europe can help set a standard for the world to follow, such as setting thresholds for Covid-19 cases based on growth rates relative to absolute levels

The EU should also establish a health passport.

It’s already proposed a Digital Green Certificate, which would track test results and vaccination status in all member states

A QR code that says “I’m vaccinated” is just the start. There’s work to be done to:

💉Agree on standards
💉Prevent certificate fraud

Passports will also have to expire depending on future discoveries about the longevity of protection

Without set protocols and standards, it’ll be difficult to go back to the levels of international travel we enjoyed pre-Covid.

Europe can make travel within the continent both easier and more secure, while serving as an example for others to follow

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