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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Jun 1, 2021, 8 tweets

Fauci was emphatic in his private correspondence last year that Trump never “muzzled” him — contrary to what the Biden Admin now alleges

Biden’s CDC Director: Agency Was ‘Muzzled’ Under Trump…


Fauci in March of 2020 was telling people a vaccine wouldn’t be ready until "at least" September 2021

Another email reassuring that the Trump Admin was not “muzzling” him

How New Yorker “journalist” Michael Specter (@specterm) approaches Fauci: “You are one of my very few heroes”

@specterm Time and again we see people trying to bait Fauci into telling them he’s being muzzled, and every time he says he’s not.

@specterm Look at this NYT writer trashing Americans, praising the Chinese, and Fauci telling him “you make some good points”

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