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Speckle connects with your favourite AEC tools, letting you build custom workflows, see changes instantly, collaborate safely and automate tedious tasks!

Jun 2, 2021, 6 tweets

📣 Broadcast roundup! We've added quite a few content recently:

1/5 ⚙️ Want to see how you can use #Speckle without #Speckle? Create your own custom backends?

👉 Check this guide out on our high level architecture: speckle.guide/dev/architectu…

2/5 📱Speckle Apps? Check out the story behind #LeaDE, @ekkodale's BIM validation app!
👉 speckle.systems/blog/ekkodale-…

3/5 #Revit to #Grasshopper, and back to #Revit? We've got you sorted!
👉 speckle.guide/user/interop-r…

4/5 Collab workflows with #Grasshopper? Easy! Multiplayer mode is on:

👉 speckle.guide/user/tutorial-…

5/5 Do you interop #Rhino to #Revit much? Get those two together:

👉 speckle.guide/user/interop-r…

Ok, that's it! More news coming soon. Did I hear you say #speckle for #excel? 🎤 ⬇️

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