Emily Burns😊 DMs welcome #TeamReality Profile picture
PhDropout @rockefelleruniv. Wife and Mom of 3. Conservative because liberal. Massachusetts political refugee. Not always right, but try to be.

Jun 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Woo hoo! Citizen science! Concerned citizen succeeds in swaying decades of aerosol science and the great Fauci! #FauciEmails

Reminder of what the science actually said back then, though even Dr. Fauci appears not to have taken the time to read up on the growing understanding that respiratory aerosols (0.1-1.0 micron, med 0.28) were the driver of flu & other respiratory viruses

If this email doesn't show how badly Dr. Fauci misunderstands the behavior and volume of aerosols, and research on flu for the prior 12 years, don't know what does. No wonder he recommended cloth masks.

Dentists know that surgical masks don't protect from COVID-19, and other viruses, but the CDC doesn't... (or Dr. Fauci)

Wherein the danger of fomites is raised above the risk of aerosols, via mechanistic, and you guessed it, modeling studies. Why don't they ever follow these up with studies with actual people, and naturally generated aerosols?

Wait, on April 3rd, Dr. Fauci says we should all be wearing masks, but tells a hospital administrator to keep the policy for employees voluntary on April 16th? So confusing.

All the problems of the "protect everyone" approach we adopted in one email. Speaking on behalf of the home care industry, she advocates lowering PPE thresholds for Cv-19 caregivers. Meaning that caregiver, and other clients they serve will be infected. So many better solutions.

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