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Jun 2, 2021, 11 tweets

We've spent millions of dollars running ads for brands like Perfect Keto, Tovala, Imperfect Produce.

THREAD: 8 ad types that increase click-through

Customer Facial Expressions

Create user-generated videos to show reactions from using your product:

• Dramatic faces are attention magnets—people click because they can't help but want to see what provoked it

• Naturally demonstrates your products' "Moment of Wow"

You vs. Competition

Compare yourself against your competitor:

• 81% of consumers will research alternatives before buying. Test retargeting ads that compare your strongest value props to your competition

• Make customers feel savvy for choosing you over a competitor

Customer Testimonial Screenshots

Turn public shoutouts into ad creative:

• Content that looks native to the platform won't immediately be recognized as an ad

• Screenshots in your ads give it built-in social proof and validates that others have bought from you

Lifestyle Demonstration

Scenes from the lifestyle your product fits into:

• People will click because your ad is the quickest path to the lifestyle they desire

• Lean into a single desire: health, wealth, beauty, acceptance, status

User Generated Unboxing

Build anticipation with unboxing videos:

• Excitement is contagious—cut your video to highlight the most exciting moments to get more clicks


Draw attention to the problem you solve:

• Some of your target audience won't be aware they have a problem that needs solving.

• Show your product, but make HOW TO SOLVE the problem the focus of the ad

User Generated Product Walkthrough

Show your product in its natural habitat:

• Homemade, selfie style videos are more likely to be watched because they don't immediately look like an ad

• Add subtitles and a hook across the top to get your point across without sound

Address Objections & FAQs

Turn questions into ads:

• Ads that answer your most common questions will help eliminate objections

Ex. "What if I don't like the taste?" → 30 day money back guarantee

"How's the quality?" → Built to be the last razor you ever buy

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