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Growth marketing tactics. We've helped 1,000s of companies grow, including Microsoft, Segment, Clearbit, Ancestry, & Stacker.
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Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Check out these ads. Notice anything similar?

None of their models are looking at the camera.

And for good reason. Here's why direct eye contact doesn't always work in advertising 👇 Image When we see ads that show models looking at a product, we're more likely to remember the product and brand.


We're hardwired to notice faces.

And when we see eyes looking over at something else (known as averted eye gaze), we're naturally drawn to look, too. Image
Mar 3, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
If you want to consistently get better performance on your ads, open this: First, some symptoms you're doing it wrong:
- Random spikes in growth.
- You brainstorm ad ideas from scratch every time.
- You have no arsenal of learnings to pull from for new ad ideas.

If you can relate to these, keep reading.
Feb 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Over 90% of online courses go unfinished.

You start one intending to complete it, but it ends up on the back burner.

And if we're being honest, you know you'll never open that course again.

But it's not the students fault. Blame the format.

A few common course mistakes: 1. Excessive course length

Unless their job depends on it, no one will sit through an 80-hour course.

And most of that 80 hours is fluff anyway. They're like most non-fiction books: a few insights scattered throughout a sea of noise.

Here's how to fix:
Feb 6, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
The best companies have unforgettable brands.

Yet most startups completely neglect their brand.

Avoid these 5 common mistakes to significantly impact your chances of success.

(Increase WOM, decrease CAC, increase LTV, and other 3-letter acronyms.)

Let's dive in: ❌ Mistake #1: Painting broad demographic strokes.

A lot of marketers create super broad personas. They try to appeal to everyone.

But if you took that approach, you'd end up with both King Charles and Ozzy Osbourne in your funnel.

Two very different people 🤪
Dec 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
3% to 5% of online courses are finished.

We blame the format. Most courses are just way too long.

That's why we're launching Sprints.

Video courses for startups looking to learn growth as efficiently as possible (in just 3 to 5 hours).

Our first topics ready for pre-order: Creative Strategy and Testing Sprint

Ads are really hard to make profitable in 2023.

Learn to make ads that make people stop and pay attention.

Taught by strategist behind Nike Budweiser, Spotify, and Hershey—Rafael Gi from Bell Curve.…
Oct 13, 2022 20 tweets 13 min read
The recordings from Growth Summit 2022 are out!

Check them all out on our YouTube channel, or check them all out in this thread 👇🏼… Education w/ Shane Parrish & Wes Kao

How to build and grow an education company with @ShaneAParrish and @wes_kao.

Oct 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1 day 'til Growth Summit.

Most people show up for the fireside convos with the best minds in growth.

But we've also got a great lineup of sponsors who are making the Summit possible. Special thanks to @clearscope and @Goldcast—we use and love them both.
Sep 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Growth Summit starts in 4 days.

It wouldn't be possible (& free) without @clearbit

Clearbit's got a sweet deal for everyone reading this...and we paired it with one of our favorite CRO tactics. The deal:

Wondering what companies are checking out your site?

Clearbit will send you a report of the high-intent visiting companies so you can prospect them immediately.

As a DC reader, you get free, enriched reports & unlimited CSV downloads:…
Sep 29, 2022 21 tweets 15 min read
Founders & marketers...

🚨 Growth Summit kicks off next week, Oct 4th-6th 🚨

This thing is STACKED with the best marketers in the world (literally).

No slides, fluffy theories, or sales pitches. Just tactical insights to help you grow.

An inside look at the lineup: #1 - SEO Growth

Give it to me straight... how do I *really* get results with SEO?

@bernardjhuang and @5le are among the most respected thought leaders in search.

You'll learn how to approach SEO growth in 2022, including tactics to grow your user-base and retain customers. Image
Sep 29, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Amanda Natividad (@amandanat) by the numbers:

September 2020: 958 followers.

September 2021: 15,720

September 2022: 114,000+

We asked her how she did it. Here are 5 takeaways. Use them to grow as fast as she did. 1. Set a goal

Most people jump into audience building w/o a strong reason.

That rarely works.

*Why* do you want to grow your following? To build a brand? Network? Monetize?

Use your answer to set a single goal. That goal creates focus—you'll know exactly what to write about.
Sep 27, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
Dave Teare used to be an IBM intern.

Now his software is used by IBM—and his company has grown to a $6.8B valuation.

[THREAD] How 1Password grew: @1Password got its start in a Toronto garage in 2005. Co-founders Dave Teare & Roustem Karimov had a web dev consultancy.

They also had a problem: juggling multiple passwords was a pain.

So they decided to fix it. Image
Sep 23, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
The most common pricing mistake startups make?

It's not how much to charge...

It's what to charge FOR.

Getting this right could be the difference between traction and failure. Let's start with the term, "value metric"

It's a unit that indicates how much value your buyers get out of your product.

And it's the thing you charge for.

The more they pay, the more value they get.
Sep 22, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Angry Birds... heard of it?

The game's been downloaded over 5 Billion times.

What made it so successful? Design, marketing, & branding.

Here's how game maker Rovio did it. Image In 2009 Rovio (Angry Birds studio) was inches from bankruptcy.

They were making games (mostly for outside companies), but the work-for-hire model wasn't sustainable.

So they fired 80% of the staff.

And used the last of their resources to make



Sep 21, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
If you're not sure why your marketing campaigns are failing...

Try the PIGS framework from @cspenn 👇 PIGS:

• Problem
• Impact
• General solution
• Specific solution

Go through this framework to find out where to shift your marketing priorities.
Sep 13, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
You asked, we answered.

7 FAQs marketers *must* answer before investing paid TikTok

(budget, testing timeline, channel validation, and more) Everyone's in a hurry to tap TikTok's 1 billion+ users.

While it's tempting to dive in headfirst, you're better off testing the waters first to validate there's a legit opportunity for you.

👉 Peep this quick-hit list of benchmarks, then let's chat Q & A: Image
Sep 12, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
"When you market to everyone, you market to no one."

No brand lives this better than Liquid Death.

Here's why this canned water company is valued at $525 million 🧵 First things first, here's what makes @LiquidDeath's actual product different:

• Its water comes from the Alps. Most bottled water companies use municipal tap water.

• It comes in recyclable tall boy cans.
Sep 9, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
We've reviewed 1000+ startups' early growth strategies.

The successful ones have a common thread...

They figured out how to *tap existing audiences* to get their first customers.

Here are 9 reliable ways you can do the same to acquire customers. 9 ways to tap existing audiences:

1. Newsletter sponsorships
2. Podcasts
3. Websites/blogs
4. Influencers
5. Organic partnerships
6. Online communities
7. Offline communities
8. Interviews/speaking engagements
9. Personal networks

Let's tackle each:
Sep 8, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read

Your product pages have *seconds* to convert prospects into buyers.

What we can learn from high-converting product pages (Apple, Etsy, Ben & Jerry's, and more): 1. Apple

✅ Why it works: Blends features & benefits

Feature: Camera upgrade
Benefit to the consumer: Epic low-light shots

Feature: 5G
Benefit: Superfast downloads

"People don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves." - @SamuelHulick
Sep 6, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Common writing advice: "Never use jargon."

We'll explain why that's wrong. Small doses of jargon boost your trust and credibility.

Use it to show you:

• understand your audience.
• share their mindset about something.

Example: @kachavatribe describes its meal shake using health jargon to appeal to its target audience (health-conscious eaters).
Sep 2, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
"Kill your friction" 👈 advice every marketer gets

We don't always agree.

Why? You could actually LOSE customers.

How to use friction to *increase* conversions & retention: We get why you hate friction.

Cart abandonment is high.

Attention spans are short.

Forms are annoying.

No one wants to get so close to a sale but have prospects get bored/frustrated and move on.
Sep 1, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
We get a LOT of cold emails

Most are frankly ... not great.

Use these 10 cold email examples to get you more opens, responses, & conversions. 1. Book a sales call

Why it works:

• ‍Has a personal touch
• Handles key objections. The recipient might think: sounds great, but is it expensive? The email answers that question.
• One low-friction CTA Image