Mario Gabriele 🦊💭 Profile picture
Founder of The Generalist. Analyzing the world’s most interesting companies and leaders at @thegeneralistco. Join +110,000 readers.

Jun 2, 2021, 10 tweets

This is my best Walt Disney impression. Here's where I hope The Generalist goes.

- Play w boundaries of "audience" + "creator"
- Multiplayer by default
- Build, invest, write in public
- Decentralize decision-making to community
- Be the platform for smart ppl to share thoughts

Since I'm not a very good artist, I can't compete with Disney's amazing original.

But I've done my best...

Meet some characters below ;)

First, the "Blue Whiskered Job Fox."

He just wants to get people into careers they really like.

The more people he helps find a job, the longer his whiskers grow.

Next, the "Green Inexplicably Incandescent Fox." He handles the briefings that go out every week.

His incandescence is powered primarily by espresso.

Ok, next.

Designed to withstand the sudden changes in pressure of companies going public is the "Rare Nebula To-The-Moon S-1 Fox."

She captains the ship for all IPOs, DPOs, and (in the future) SPACs.

The "Pink Glasses Community Rave Fox" just wants people to have a nice time.

She tries to do that by introducing people, organizing events, and stoking conversation.

No one has confirmed whether or not she is candy-flipping.

Hiding between the lines is the slightly smaller "Purple-Happy-Inferno Fund Fox."

Permanently on fire but feeling great about it. This fox likes to back companies worth writing about.

Portfolio companies have their stories told and shared with The Generalist's readers.

This fox is hard to find.

They're a little shy.

Introducing the "Yellow Modest Idea Fox" who runs RFS. This fox scurries around collecting ideas, then gives them away as soon as possible because he doesn't like the pressure of hanging onto them.

If you got this far, thank you for humoring me.

Thanks to @divine_economy and @AnnikaSays for inspiring this thinking.

And h/t to @Alex_Danco's amazing series on Worldbuilding which definitely contributed.…

If you're interested in joining this mini-world in the making, I'd love to have you aboard.

Come join our private community — the heart of much of this thinking — by becoming a Member.

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